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What is a moderator?

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I've noticed a number of posts that, to me, indicate a feeling that the mods are some sort of spokesbods for Archant. As far as I am aware their only "official" role is to deal with breaches of the published rules, but I'm quite possibly wrong.

Today a (retired) lawyer opined that a mod who expressed an opinion could somehow be liable for mistakes where an "ordinay" member, like me, would not.

I've had a peer at the intro posts at the top of the forum list and I can't see any statement of the mods' status. It may be a good idea to publish one, just as a bum-covering exercise.
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Albert, there is a blanket rule that discussing the administration of the forum, by for example asking what moderators do, or how and why they are selected, and by whom, is expressly forbidden, and I should warn you that you could get banned from the forum for doing so.

This is not a joke.

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Thanks for your concern, but in this case I'll take my chance.

OK, so i've clicked the little page and found the software publisher's definition of a moderator. I don't think it explains what Archant sees as their roles, rights and responsibilities.

I don't want to discuss things here, just suggest that Archant and the mods may be well advised to make things a bit clearer for their own sakes. The epidermis on my proboscis will remain intact if they don't.

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I used to be a moderator so if you want an unbiased answer or a personal opinion please feel free to contact me.

I'm not sure if I agree with Dick's comment, because one of the strengths of this forum was that it allowed discussion of matters like this - though in-depth discussions of why messages were removed or edited could get tedious for those not involved, so tended to be locked (rather than removed or participants banned). That was something that set this forum apart from those like, say, Angloinfo, which have very strict and rigidly (of somewhat arbitrary) deletion and banning policies. Personally, I was always very much in favour of users being allowed to have their say, even if some of it was off the forum rather than in public.

Or maybe things have changed?

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I am sure the other mods would agree with me that a sensible discussion like this is constructive and welcome it as long as it doesn't become a opportuniy for any member (whether a mod or otherwise) to have a bash at any othe rmember or group of members.

I think we have all discovered that it is far from easy being a moderator. As far as what our purpose is, the Code of Conduct is the main point of reference for what we do but interpreting it fairly and with discretion is the hard bit. Generaly speaking we are here to protect decency, protect individual members from harrassment and insults, prevent things that could become legally compromising and do our best to keep things on track. I suppose, we are also, in a way,here to protect Archant's interests purely as a means of protecting the continued existence of the forum.

Now I know we don't always get things right, either individually or collectively, and even when we do, it isn't possible to please all of the people all of the time. I know that there have been occassions when I have made less than helpful decisions when moderating and if any of you feel you have been on the wrong end of that then I appologise now to you unreservedly. There have also been times when I and my fellow mods have been on the receiving end of some fairly nasty priivate messages which can be quite upsetting - but I don't hold any grudges because we are all capable of saying things in the heat of the moment that we later regret.

The most difficult job of a moderator is that of when to step in and stop threads drifting off topic. This is so hard because I think we are alll reluctant to jump in but we are aware that this is one thing that causes anoyance to many members and prevents many others from even getting involved in sensible discussions. The Off Topic Lounge has helped this but there are still far too many threads that divert away from the original subject and become an opportunity for  bit of friendly banter which, in itself, is not offensive and therefore we, as mods, don't really feel it is appropriate for us to get involved until a complaint is received.  The more help that the rest of you members can give us in diverting this sort of conversation back to the "lounge" the better it will  help the forum. We are always particularly grateful to anyone who helps out in this way.

To conclude, we moderators are members of the forum just like everyone else. We don't get paid, we just do the job because we enjoy the forum and want to help maintain it as a helpful, friendly and constructive place to exchange information and views about living in France and French culture. We do our very best but we are only human !

Perhaps we can all raise a glass over the next few weeks to the Complete France Forum, put any difficulties experienced in the last year behind us and look forward to an excellent year ahead.

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I have a lot of sympathy for the mods and their difficulties in keeping the forum on a reasonably level course - it can't be easy.  I'll raise a glass to the Forum mods.

PS If you all fancy a well-deserved holiday why not let me, Miki and Dick take over for a week?  Promise not to break anything. 

As regards what Albert was saying - I have always regarded the mods simply as other members who like to make sure Archant don't get too pissed off with our occasional antics.  What they say counts no more or less than anyone else's point of view except when it touches on forum rules.  It would be a thankless task if, by dint of the title "Mod", they were never able to express a personal opinion.

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I should be a mod alongside Katie, Twinks and Tresc, I'd instantly sort out all the old farts and ban the old boys brigade who have a habit of intimidating newcomers and anybody who has the guts to poke their heads above the parapet, I'd also instantly ban those with zero sense of humour....I'd entrust Katie and Twinks to crank up the fun and let Tresco handle all the clever folk, I'd keep on Gay 'cos she's got a helluva slap on her, and Hoddy, 'cos she's shaping up to be quite nice. James is really sensible, but a great chap, so I'd allow him to retain his position, as a sort of overseer. The forum would rock and we'd have to limit the membership![:D]

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[quote user="Chris Head"]

and ban the old boys brigade who have a habit of intimidating newcomers and anybody who has the guts to poke their heads above the parapet,



That's you and me gone then......................................[:(]

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]Is this the road to Damascus?
Is this the mod who threatened to ban me for discussing the mods?

Well, I've just signed on and the 2nd thread I read contains a typical DS post.

The OP's thread was a legitimate question and Eslier's post seemed to me to be honest and straightforward.  Dick - there's simply no need for the introduction of cheap shots like that.  You ought to be above that, whatever the 'background' between you.

I fully expect your customary vitriolic response   My 'pinch of salt' is at hand.

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Awww shucks, dont worry about Dick GdG, he like things to be 'in place', he doesn't handle stuff or people who don't fit too well. It's interesting you use the word 'vitriolic' in association to Mr Smith, I've often heard the same reference to the chap...[8-)]

Katie, you and Twinks are best suited to mayhem, let it rest there[:D]

Bugbear, you're too new to understand the dynamics going on here...you just don't know how it's done yet old boy!

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I completely back Dick on this. The email that Elsie sent to me was beyond description and about as ridiculously crass as one could possibly ever receive...And the sad thing, well to me, is that he may well have had the backing of the other Mods to send it out. If he seriously means to offer out any admittance to being quite wrong about anything he has done as a Moderator, he should be apologising to those that he has wronged, not offering out a soapy, willy nilly general post, as if that will make up for all his previous cock ups.

As a Mod, I would make a start by getting get rid of all the egoistes...............not hard to spot, they often go by their other name............pub clearers [;-)]

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[quote user="Chris Head"]

Bugbear, you're too new to understand the dynamics going on here...you just don't know how it's done yet old boy!


Chris, I was dealing with stuff like this while you were still whittling with a little stick.

Now, Mmmmmmmmm, whats that word I'm searching for.................................

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[quote user="Miki"]If he seriously means to offer out any admittance to being quite wrong about anything he has done as a Moderator, he should be apologising to those that he has wronged, not offering out a soapy, willy nilly general post, as if that will make up for all his previous cock ups.

As a Mod, I would make a start by getting get rid of all the egoistes...............not hard to spot, they often go by their other name............pub clearers [;-)]


I have no knowledge of what went on before and therefore am unable to comment on it. That said, the post by Eslier seems like a perfectly reasonable attempt to put things 'to bed', unless, Miki, you'd like him to cut his wrists and be done with it.

As for you being a moderator, well, you wouldn't really have to get rid of anyone, there wouldn't be anyone here anyway

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That's twice you have answered a post of mine without any knowledge of me at all... Is that your take on life, guess guess guess......?

You have no knowledge of the history behind my last post , as you yourself just said....and you accused me before of knowing nothing about mental health problems, when unfortunately I have had plenty of experience, you said nothing to that reply..Why do you feel it is right for you to bumble about the site and simply throw out accusations, without knowing the first thing about the cases in question?

Maybe you are right, there would not be one single sole left on here if I was a Mod, perhaps just one, maybe two, does that now make you feel OK and pretty good about yourself.

Turning my light off, is no guarantee that your light will shine brighter................

Edit....Thanks Katie, only need a couple more now to beat my previous thoughts on numbers, easier said than done ........

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