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Re: Inevitable.


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Not deleted. It's here

However the statement :

This has been a valid discussion and has raised some serious issues. We

have now had a reply from a member of Archant's senior management team

and an undertaking has been given that the forum Code of Conduct will

be amended to avoid any future misunderstanding.

Everyone should now be clear as to the legal position, even if it isn't the answer that some may have wished to hear.

makes the assumption that Archant can change the terms and conditions of forum use as and when they like and that forum users will be bound by such altered terms and conditions whether they have been informed of them or have agreed to them or not. I'll leave the legalities of that to others .....

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I think I should point out to everybody that there is a clear forum code of conduct. When the code of conduct is broken threads can be deleted or locked. When a post or thread becomes abusive or ill mannered then the thread/posts may be locked or deleted. Even when the code of conduct is not broken and posts are polite, etc. threads can still be locked. Seems it is the moderators right to "do as they please, when they please". Life like that must be great.


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[quote user="Dotty "]

Hello RH

Well I'm really glad I pressed that report button.  It would seem no body gives a stuff what I think.  The button is there but press it and guess what?  Nothing.

What's the point.


Well that's very strange Dotty.  I replied to your "report" and I can see that the PM I sent has been viewed four times - that's once by me and three times by you or someone logged into the forum as you. Perhaps someone else in your household has been reading your PMs ? Please let me know if you would like me to send my PM again.

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[quote user="Eslier"][quote user="Dotty "]

Hello RH

Well I'm really glad I pressed that report button.  It would seem no body gives a stuff what I think.  The button is there but press it and guess what?  Nothing.

What's the point.


Well that's very strange Dotty.  I replied to your "report" and I can see that the PM I sent has been viewed four times - that's once by me and three times by you or someone logged into the forum as you. Perhaps someone else in your household has been reading your PMs ? Please let me know if you would like me to send my PM again.


How come when a different thread get one or two posts that are not directly related to the subject of the thread it gets locks, yet a moderator can happily make posts to a related thread that are nothing to do with the thread topic. Thus, does the moderator take the thread "off-topic" and then lock it because of what they have done ?

Bit of "selective moderating going on here ?


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Yes I did get your email as I think you probably already know.  My complaint is the moderators aren't going to do anything about it.  RH last night suggested I use the report button if I'm not happy about something, which I did, but you have categorically told me nothing is going to be done.

Go figure.

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[quote user="Dotty "]

. . .but you have categorically told me nothing is going to be done.


Perhaps you should read my PM again - that's most certainly not what I said. Please don't make out in public that I have said something I haven't.  What I actually said was:

"In view of your "report", perhaps we should consider this matter again . . ."

and that was after I had thanked you for taking the trouble to contact us.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

Dick sometimes you really are a nasty piece of work. You say things without any shred of proof and quite frankly talk utter rubbish in some instances. I have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the locking of the Blog thread. In fact I would prefer it was not locked.

You use big words knowing full well many people don't know what they mean but you use them in such a way as to try and make yourself superior to others.

You are a liar, you said I locked the thread, I did not, you have said that somebody somewhere posting on another forum is a moderator from here. I say again, you are a liar now you get absolute proof I am wrong and you are right. No hearsay just absolute proof. If you can do that then I will apologise to you here in front of everyone. I don't want your little mates putting their noses in, you made the accusation so you back it up, come on.


If anybody was wondering, it was me who "reported" the post above. It is rare to see so many of the forum Code of Conduct rules broken in a single post.


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Chris, I said intervention, as in the meaning of posting. I didn't say you had locked the thread.

In all of my time on this forum I have never abused anyone in the terms you are abusing me here. I hope everyone reads this to see what we are dealing with. I have copied your post, so don't bother editing it. I shall be sending a copy to Forum Admin. I hope he is proud of you.

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