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Complete France Forum

Notification of Messages : No text


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Has the software been changed? I no longer get the text of new postings in the reminder messages. It was a useful facility that allowed one to keep up with fast moving topics.

The removal of this facility yet again reminds one of how dreadful this software is

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I too think it IS very useful and if yu are watching several threads it can save a lot of time, especially if the web is slow!!!

Pretty please, put them back!!![:D]

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OK I will try again!!!

I realise that the milk monitors have been having PMs floating about to people wot are not privvy to them, but as I said before (before it was deleted that is) that it can't be total ROCKET SCIENCE to make sure that the correct address is on the blasted thing before it is sent.

This attitude could well loose this forum a lot of very imformative posters. Who would gain from that I wonder?

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Careful what you say, JJ!

I suggested yesterday that the entire forum software be changed in favour of a more user-friendly version but I understand this is not possible.

Admin, I heartilly echo JJ's sentiments, more and more good features seem either not to work or to have gone altogether - along with informative posters mentioned (another informs me he has left as of yesterday and I am teetering on the brink, as it were).  This does need to be sorted, or just please close the off-topic section and leave the LF forum as an information exchange on things France and French so it will be totally uncontroversial and sanitised.


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I can assure everyone that the mail notifications that Jonzjob refers had nothing to do with PMs (as in the personal messages utility at the foot of every mail).  There was a bug in another area of the forum, and a workaround has been put into place.


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  • 3 weeks later...
I find this a very useful feature too. Bluntly, if a topic I'm interested in dives off into the realms of stupidity or bitchery, I can choose to ignore it without the bother of visiting the topic on the forum to see what's been added. It is such a pointless exercise sending someone 10 blank emails that I wonder why the function isn't removed completely rather than leave it in the new, irrelevant format.

Is the full functionality of this feature going to be reinstated or is it removed permanently? It would be useful to have an honest answer to that.

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Thank you Clair - I looked at the other thread and RH hits the nail on the bonce... I'm on dialup and though LF is faster and more error-free than it used to be, 24.0 kbps dialup speed (though sometimes as high as 31kbps!) does make the email notifications (with text!) very very useful.

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