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I have just spent 20 minuits replying ( very thoughtfully) to a post and when I eventually pressed the post button it dissapeared and lost !!!

This is not the first time this has happened!

Is there a time limit on typing a reply?

Some times this happens so I have typed my post out in 'word' saved it and then done copy / paste

Does anyone else have this trouble?


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Not time limit on typing a post as far as I am aware or I would have been times out many times already!

What do you mean by disappeared?

By trial and error, I have found that when I get an error screen, 9 times out of 10, the post has actually made it to the board. I've now got into the habit of checking before trying to post again, to avoid a duplication.

If by mistake, I click out of the reply screen before finishing, a back click (right-click / back) takes me back to the reply screen.

I have not (yet!) lost a post...

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Hi Clair

I was replying to the tread about Brit builders, typed a long and thoughtfully reply pressed the preview button went back to do some spelling misstakes then pressed post, next screen was server unavailible! tried the back button and it was gone!


PS my post did not make it to the board!

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I have had similar problems before when the error screen comes up but so far, I have managed to rescue the reply by using the back and / or the refresh buttons...

Sorry I can't offer any other solution... [:(]

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[quote user="ErnieY"]I think the server went down about 1/2 an hour or so ago.[/quote]

How often does this happen?

Surely this can not happen on all the occasions that I have 'lost ' my posts!

What seems to happen is : I take so long to type my post (some times going to get a coffee [Www]) then come back finish off, do a preview, redo any alterations then press post. Thats when it comes up with error / server unavailible, try the back button, same thing,  try forward button same thing, then I try the down arrow next to the back/forwad bottons and get a list of error/server and at the lower part pages from the forum so I then click on the first non error listing and of course everything has 'gone'



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Since my last post 45 mins or so I did not use the computer, just came back and pressed the back button to see if I could retreive my post prepost page and got the 'web page expired' message!

My daughter has just shown me how to copy to the clipboard, highlight then Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+P to paste, so I think I will do this before I preview/edit/post in future. She also reconds that on most forums you can get timed out.

I have asked FA if this is what is happening but not had a reply yet


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[quote user="Chipie"]Since my last post 45 mins or so I did not use the computer, just came back and pressed the back button to see if I could retreive my post prepost page and got the 'web page expired' message!

I have asked FA if this is what is happening but not had a reply yet.


I had flagged the thread to Admin and got the following reply:

"With regards to timeouts, if anyone is connected to the internet for a

period of time on one page it is likely to timeout. Either their

connection or the server end

On another forum, I sometimes find myself automatically logged out if I leave the same page on for a while and have to log back in to post.
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