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Complete France Forum

PLEASE fix the "Server error on cs/application" problem

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Hello FA!

The technical problems over the last few days have been flagged to Admin. My last comment about this matter was posted for his attention last night.

I have not had any error page problem in the last couple of days, but I do find the forum very sluggish and the search facility seems to have died...[:'(]

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[:(]I knew the problem was not me and was just about to post my frustration. I hope I am wrong, but, being a Bank Holiday weekend in the UK, I suppose nothing will be done until at least Tuesday.


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Hi David!

I am reading and I have been posting about the problems and I have also flagged them to Admin, who has been out of the office for the last few days and I really really really hope this can be resolved quickly and painlessly as soon as possible...

If I know how and if I could, it would have been done already![:)]

It's a Bank Holiday weekend, so don't expect any miracles... [:(]

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