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Complete France Forum

Changed email address but cannot change to log in


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Thanks for asking the question.  I have now moved to France and have at last got a phone line (after over 4 months).  Then, lo and behold, I couldn't get back on the forum.  What did I do?  I updated my profile, tried to sign on; no luck.  Then I said I forgot my password (I hadn't).  I used the password they sent me with my new email address, still no luck.  Eventually, the penny dropped.  I used the NEW password with the OLD British email and voila, here I am!

Your post came at an opportune time and I am just so relieved; not least because I am going to have a lot of questions for the knowledgeable ones on the forum real soon!

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Not only have you helped.  I am ecstatic at being back on the forum.  It hasn't been easy, coming to live in France in April and being totally out of touch with all the people that I regard as friends and as a sort of depository of all important information for "freshies".

Will take this opportunity also to thank Cassis and James from Technical Support. 

Oldie, I'd send you one of those icons with a pint of beer except I don't know how to do it!

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