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France Forum - Length of Topic Title


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What's with the insertion of "Discussion and Information About French Living" into email notifications ?

It now gets truncated, in my email at least, to: (France Forum - Discussion and Information About French Living) New Post to Foru...

so now I have no idea which topic the notification refers to without opening it to read [:(]

Can it be put back to what it was please, e.g.. (France Forum) New Post to Forum: Re: changing headlights to continental  ?

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[quote user="Cathy"]

I don't get e-mail notifications . I now delete the tick in the box not to get them because they must be going somewhere.  Is it because I'm with AOL and they get bounced back?

[/quote]Cathy, have you checked your spam settings?

AOL's spam settings can sometimes prevent our emails from reaching your inbox.

Please ensure *@completefrance.com is added to your address book in "spam settings"

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I agree that the format change is irritating. There are some threads that move off from the original topic and I'm no longer interested in following them so I delete them unread. But I can't do that now. I don't want to completely switch off the function though as I find it useful. I've also tried (in the past) unsubscribing from just those threads no longer of interest but that doesn't seem to work.

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That's true, Coops - good idea. If (for some reason) it doesn't get resolved, I'll do that. I suspect the change is something to do with the change in the logo at the top of the page - now French Property News / France / Living France. It's presumably some way of consolidating the brand. Always a good idea... until something implemented that irritates the brand's customers. [:D]

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I have now received two types of headers:

(France Forum Discussion) New Post to Forum:

(France Forum - Discussion About French Living) New Post to Forum:

Both allow thr thread tiltle to show, unlike this:

(France Forum - Discussion and Information About French Living) New Post to Forum:
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Since this morning I now have 19 auto responses to topics I am watching or have contributed to but because of the ill thought out change I have no idea whether these are 19 individual responses to separate topics, 19 to the same topic, or a combination of both and the only way I can find out is to open each and every one individually.

 Previously I could delete all but the most recent notifications to a particular topic leaving me maybe 3 or 4 to actually open and I could then read any prior responses in the topic itself.

Please do fix this. Why can you not simply go back to as it was until you have reconsidered it more thouroughly ?

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