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Child Benefit Transferable to France??


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Hello everyone. I hope this is the correct Forum as not sure where I should post this.

To cut a very long story as short as possible I am married and in November 2003 I had my first child, a boy, born in France.

My husband remains a U.K. resident and earns a salary, pays tax and national insurance in the normal manner to the authorities in England. He shares his time between England & France but is in England for majority of his time and still qualifies, fully, as a U.K. Resident.

I, myself, am now resident in France since June 2002. My son lives with me permanently at my address in France and he has both a U.K. consular passport issued by the U.K. embassy in Paris and a French birth certificate.

My 11 month old son is therefore a U.K. citizen but is resident, like his mum, in France.

I, myself, do not earn any salary in France but simply have benefit of a proportion of my husband's U.K. salary. By the way we are happily married and the plan will be that my husband joins me full time in France in about five years time. That's the plan anyway.

I have been refused any child benefit from the authorities in France as I pay no income tax in France and also, strangely, due to the fact my son was born before 01/01/2004??????????????????

I have been told by the authorities that all babies in my son's position born on/after 1st January 2004 will be eligible for child benefit.

I have treble checked this and this is the situation for me and my son. Strange isn't it?

My question, therefore, is a simple one:

In view of my situation does anyone happen to know if I can claim any child benefit from the authorities in England?

I have not phoned Newcastle yet as was totally unsure of my son's rights and wanted to have some guidance before talking to them.

Money is tight so this would realy help my son & I survive in France.

Many, many thanks in advance for any guidance anyone can provide.

Thank you in advance.  








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Unless things have changed, there is no child allowance for the first child in France. That is why you are not eligible for it, it doesn't exist.......incidentally when I was a child it was the same in the UK, don't know when it changed over there.


http://www.caf.fr/catalogue/ go to allocations familiales and scroll down, it still says two children.

No idea as to whether, in your circumstances, if you had had twins if it would have worked or not though.


Just a footnote, french birthcertificates are only valid for three months and need renewing at the Mairie where the birth was registered every time you need a new one. So I would suggest that you get the consulate to issue a british one to you, you will probably need one at some point.

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Many thanks for your response which much appreciated.

No wonder the French have so many babies...........................

Maybe the French are changing arrangement from 1st Jan. 04  as was definitely told my baby was born a month or so too late to qualify.

Sounds fair.....................................................................


Anyway thanks a lot for confirming situation.






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For basic family allowance, which isn't in any way means tested, then the site still says that you must have at least 2 children under the age of 20 to qualify.

There are other means tested benefits in France, perhaps they are refering to one of these, when they mentioned your 'in your baby's situation'.

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You should definitely try and claim from the UK authorities as unlike in France they do pay child benefit for the 1st child and it can be paid to the father. They can only decide on the facts as you put them before them. I would ask for a claim form and read the leaflet carefully on eligibility. In fact I would advise that it might be better if your husband claimed it. When I moved to France in January 2002 I dutifully officially immediately notified the UK authorities who stopped my child benefit. I then missed out on over a £1000 by trying to claim in France 18 months benefit for 2 children until I moved back to the UK.

Although I have two children both then under 16 the eldest was at boarding school in the UK but his home was in France with me. I made my claim to the CAF but after over a year of form filling obtaining evidence etc from when I first made my claim the French CAF decided that I should be treated as having only one child and therefore my claim was disallowed. This is in spite of the fact that child benefit in both countries is non contributory. The UK authorities only allow a short period of claiming in arrears around a month. In fact my ex husband is a UK resident and the childrens' father and he could have claimed for my son during this period so we lost out.

Don't delay claim in the UK today!



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I'm in a very similar situation except my son was born after jan 2004.

I also am resident in france while hubby works and lives most of the time in the uk. I don't work and also dont pay french tax.

However when my son was born 12 weeks ago, i received the PAJE payment of 800+E and also get *monthly payment* it's not classed as family allowance though I dont think as you only get it for the first 3 years of their life unless you have more children in the meantime.


When I got pregnant though I wasn't sure i'd get anything from france and tried to get it paid via UK but was told when I phoned newcastle that it's only payable to children living in the uk.

Not sure this will help you much but if the worse comes to the worse and there is no way france will pay you anything (it's means tested on worldwide income though so you won't definitely get it) can't you say you live in UK with hubby, get it paid in the uk and then transfer it over to the french authorities, I know people who have done this and they get the french family allowance then.

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Have only just logged back on after a week off line catching up on work around the house & garden.

Many thanks to everyone who has replied.

As there does seem to be a bit of uncertainty over this topic & due to fact the Child Benefit Office in Newcastle do not believe in answering the phone(!) I have now written to them setting out my position and the basis of my claim for child benefit.

Cannot any longer pretend my son lives in England as he is now registered with the French Authorities for health care via an E-109 Form supplied by Newcastle.

I am waiting for their response with interest - that's assuming the Child Benefit office actually do indulge in the policy of answering letters...............................................................

Thank you all again for yr help & interest. Will let you know how I get on in due course for other people's reference.



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