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Widdgy message box for posts!


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When the scare on IE7 security came up the other day I decided that I would have a look at another browser. I have tried Firefux and kicked it ages ago so I tried Chorus. I really like it and the bits that come along with it.

I don't get the option for smilies either....

BUT on this forum, and only this forum, I get a postage sized Message posting box. Is there anyway that it can be bought back to a normal sized box please?

I have been VERY impressed with Chorus!!!
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[quote user="Jonzjob"]...on this forum, and only this forum, I get a postage sized Message posting box. Is there anyway that it can be bought back to a normal sized box please?[/quote]

Sorry, that's not the answer you want, but that's exactly what I get with IE, Chrome and Opera...

I only get the full size box (and gizmos like formatting) with FF.

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[quote user="Clair"]
Sorry, that's not the answer you want, but that's exactly what I get with IE, Chrome and Opera...
I only get the full size box (and gizmos like formatting) with FF.

Just how many browsers does a girl need [:$]

Odd that you get the diddy message box with IE though Clair, I had it for a few weeks when IE7 was first released, but it's fine now.

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Here's the fix (from Danny of Jane and Danny fame!)

If I understand correctly, normally the page window setting is controlled by the browser not the webpage. In your case IE7 - like me.

IE7 should by default remember the last open window size so this should work:

Make sure that you have just one window open. So, if you have one window open and open a link to another window and it is small, close the parent page window (first one)

That will leave you with the new little one open. Then maximise it and then close it. Next time the link pages should open in full screen.


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Quote from above..

but that's exactly what I get with IE, Chrome and Opera...

I only get the full size box (and gizmos like formatting) with FF.

So it seems to be a problem with the Trident and Presto web browser rendering engines as it also affects the Norwegian Browser "Opera".

In principle any browser using the Gecko engine would give a non widdgy message box?????

Oh I use IE8 Beta 2, by the way.

Oh!Oh! I am allergic to FireFox, so I will have to source a Web browser that uses both the Gecko and Trident engines.
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I also have IE7 and the Message box there is OK, but I am having a look and trying Chorus and you description above is double Dutch to me. Perhapse I need another glass of wine?

This is wot I'm getting and no smilies eiver!

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Our IE7 is OK for the 'box'... If I remember correctly Clair you sorted that out for me a long while back, but having a memory like a seive I can't remember how???

I like you penguine Cat. Much better than the one Pads has and it's not doing a projectile POO!!!
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Hi at moment on a portable XP with IE7 browser rendering engine, so the large non widdgy box available,unlike the situation with IE8.

The current situation vis-à-vis IE8 Beta 2 is explained at the link.http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2008/08/27/introducing-compatibility-view.aspx

Unlike the Beta 1 version the Compatibility View Button can be toggled to enter in IE7 rendering engine mode.

The imminent release of the RC version may change the management of the compatibility issue.[:D]

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If anyone wants to rationalise the size and supplementary functions of the Complete France message posting box whilst using the Microsoft Browser Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 . The following configuration options can be applied.

1) Access the forum website with IE8 Beta 2. and navigate to AddPost page.

2) In menu bar click on Page and display the drop down contextual menu.

3) Click on Paramètres d'affichage de la compatibilité.

4) In the dialogue window that appears, add the posting page URL and close the window.The posting box will immediately enlarge and all functions will be available. Note the correct URL address will appear in the dialogue address box.

5) If as in my case the address bar and menu bar become concealed either press F11 or let the cursor hover at the top of the screen until the Header appears then right click on a free portion of the Address bar and disable "masquer automatiquement". 


The Complete France posting box will then be stored as a parameter for IE8 when you return to post a message.

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Never used Opera but I'll check it out.

Puzzled by page back and forward problem; I got a 10 button cordless mouse and even on Chrome the back and forward works fine.

Personally I think the IE8 browser will remain my first choice due to its security and ease of use. I LOVE the accelerators, just a right click and everything you need without even leaving the web page.
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Well Pach I have loaded and am trying IE8 and it looks good so far. It still doesn't have the use of the mouse keys to page forward and back as does Opera tough? Domage, I have got to the stage where I really like that. To page forward just press the left button and keep it pressed and then the right for as many pages as you want to go. Page back just do it the other way round with the right pressed[:D]
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Have you got Vista, if you have you can page quickly between all the open Windows with the Aero 3D engine. You just scoll and they all whizz across the screen.

Entry either by clicking on the "basculer entre les fenetres" Icon, situated bottom left by the Vista Start Button OR simultaneously press Ctrl+Windows+Tab.
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Hi there, downloaded Opera 9.6.3 and  had a look at mouse gestures, very interesting. A lot more complicated than my portable touch pad.

I can appreciate the ergonomic potential it presents, particularly with a mouse.

Now the "widdgy box" enigma, at moment posting with Opera in a large box but pretending to be FireFox rather than Opera.

But have not done a full test yet.

So the basis for configuration of Opera:

1) Click on tools and highlight "Quick Prefences" in roll down menu.

2) Move down to Edit Site Preferences and click.

3) The Site Preferences Graphical Userface Interface Window will open.

4) Under the General Tab the complete france site will be already there.

5) Click on last Tab entitled Network and in the Browser Identification Dialogue Window open the drop down menu and select either Identify as FireFox or Identify as Internet Explorer.

6) Click on OK to validate and close the window.

There still seem to be problems though.
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Posted with Opera:

This increases the size of the box and shows the formatting options. Thanks Pachapapa.

I cannot get the smileys to appear in the post though...

Edit: the

code only show after posting and the box size reverted when I edited the post!!

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There are still square bits on the wheels. I cant get any formatting options to work. The <p>s vanished, no idea why, with post get big window but with edit minuscule. All very confusing!!! pity I thought I had cracked it.

Edit If I preview and then return with edit, a full size box results.

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