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The old old problem resurrected


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For no discenrable reason I suddenly find myself being occasionally logged out.

I relied to this thread barely 15 minutes ago and when I came back to read another completely different one found myself logged out. I noticed immediately becuause I have my preferences set to read posts in decending order not ascending and this reverses unless I am logged in. It's happened a couple of times earlier today too.

Very odd [8-)]

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I had been plagued with this ever since joining the forum and it had become worse and worse, I notice imediately as I can no longer read the small default typeface without tediuosly loggng in once again.


Since discovering and using the "active" function (thanks Claire) I have never since been logged out (ne jamais dit ne jamais) perhaps it is because I can now spend far less time on the forum, I am sure that in the past sometimes it timed out.

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Hello Wools

I have been on occasionally but since the move to the Alps I've had two jobs to hold down and with a child thats wants to ski every free moment I dont have much free time, I will be glad when Im back to just the one at the end of April.



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