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Cancelling e-mail option

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I am getting a tad weary at present while trying to cancel receipt of e-mails. I have ticked "NO" so many times and still its not accepting it and I am getting a sack full of e-mails which I DO NOT WANT. Please can you do something about it, whoever is responsible.


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[quote user="Cat"]To cancel reply subscription to a thread that you have posted on, simply click on the notify button at the top right hand side of each thread.[/quote]

Top left even! [:D]

Can I subscribe to threads - and then how do I unsubscribe?

  • Yes - by default you should get a notification when a new message is posted in any thread you have contributed to.

  • If you do not wish to get notifications of replies when you post a message, un-tick the "Email me replies to this post" box on the post/reply page, below the message box. You must do this every time you post a message.

  • To unsubscribe from a specific thread, go to the thread and toggle the "Notify" button at the top left of the page.

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