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How do I...?


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How do I create a link?

  • Type your post in the reply box as normal.
  • Use your mouse to highlight the text

    you want to appear as a clickable link. 
  • Then click on the 'create

    link' icon above the message reply text box and enter the URL of the page you want to link to in the box (ensure the http:// is not duplicated):

  • Click the Preview button and test your link.

How do I view the forum when using IE8?

  • Go to tools (outils in French)
  • Scroll down to Compatibility Parameters (paramètres d'affichage de compatibilité)

  • Add services.completefrance.com to the list
  • Alternatively, click on the compatibility icon on the right-hand side of the address bar:

  • The reply box will be full size and you will be able to post smilies

How do I make my signature link clickable?

  • Copy the following HTML code:
<a href="your website address goes here">the text visible in your signature goes here</a>
  • Go to your profile and paste the code in the Signature box
  • Edit as required and save the changes (bottom right).

How do I post a picture?

  • The photograph must be on your computer and it should be in a .jpg format
  • Open a free account at Photobucket
  • Reduce your image size to 640x480 (large) to ensure the picture fits the forum browser window

  • Upload your picture into your Photobucket album
  • When uploaded, your photograph will appear in your album with several codes listed underneath it
  • Select the code marked [IMG] and copy it (right-click on your mouse, Copy)
  • There should be [ IMG] and [ /IMG] at the beginning and end of the code
  • Paste the code (right-click on your mouse, Paste) in your post where you want the picture to show
About Photobucket: The pictures you upload to your Photobucket album will be public. If your prefer not to have your pictures public, make your album private.


How do I view my PM box?


How do I get a PM button?

You have one already and everyone else can see it. You cannot see

it on your own posts, as you cannot send yourself a PM.


How do I change my password?

  • Go to your profile

  • Click on "Change password" top left, under your avatar
  • The change will take up to 15 mn to take effect, so if you log off, wait before trying to log on again.


How do I stop the notifications of reply?

By default, you will receive a notification of reply whenever you post a message. To stop the notifications:

  • Go to Email Options at the bottom of your profile page and select No for "Enable Email Notifications of replies to your posts"
  • Or un-tick the box marked "Email me replies to this post" bottom left below the reply box each time you post a message

  • Or click on the "Notify" button with the bell icon at the top left of each thread page in your forums


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