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Quillan - I can confirm this error situation in the PM (as opposed to direct email) system.   It was I who (privately) brought this matter to Clair's attention right back on 3rd June.

Whilst clearly not the fault of the moderators,  it is pretty shabby that the people who actually "run" the forum are unwilling or unable to do something about it,  or report back to you moderators.   It *IS* a serious breach of security.

I was asked at the time (and very sensibly) not to publicise the matter,  but feel that as apparently no action has been taken it's time the problem was revisited. 

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I think the problem is that the forum runs on the same server farm as all the other applications used by Archant for its publishing, from printing to accounts and sadly the forum is very low down if not at the bottom of their priorities which is in a way understandable considering the size and complexity of system  they are running. Basically on a scale of 1 to 10 we are about 1. They do get back to us but it can take a very long time and as RH has said they have been reminded.
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  • 1 month later...
It seems that this matter has never been resolved. One poster has accessed all my details and published them in a box in the middle of a post, together with a threat (we know where you are!) - I was assured by mods that only I could see the content of the box with my details. I did not know that at the time, and it caused what I can only call great distress. Even if the details couldn't be seen by all - HOW did a poster get access to my details? I asked mods to remove the post twice, but this was ignored. Extremely concerned.

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[quote user="odile"]HOW did a poster get access to my details?[/quote]

The poster did not get access to your details and no one has seen them except you .

Each person sees their own details. I see mine, you see yours and the poster sees his or hers.

The poster used a little piece of software which is freely available: http://www.danasoft.com/

If you really wish to complain about the way the moderators moderate this forum, please contact forum admin:


Of course, if you are really unhappy with this forum, you are free to vote with your fingers and stop posting.

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[quote user="odile"]

 HOW did a poster get access to my details? I asked mods to remove the post twice, but this was ignored. Extremely concerned.


Odile the poster didn't get your details... the little sign simple picks up the details of the 'readers' computer, whoever the reader is... no-one else, including the OP, ever had access to or knew your details... the link RH gives will allows you to creater your own sign... it's the link JayJay provided you with yesterday.


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[quote user="Russethouse"]

 Are you referring to last night ? If so go to http://www.danasoft.com/


It was deliberately used to cause hurt and distress to Odile and it did.

I was shocked and think it was underhand behaviour.

I hereby make my formal complaint about the outrageous behaviour of the person that sent this post.

This is not the behaviour of a gentleman.


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rose thank you for your reply. I did not know about danasoft - as far as I could see was that somebody seemed to have posted my details with a threat. At the very least moderators should have 'pulled' up the poster for making a threat, as well as using insulting language. As somebody else in the past got my details by mistake- and this issue has never been resolved by admin- I was indeed concerned. Especially as I requested that said post was removed and this was not done.

For a mod to suggest that I should leave if not happy with such, is in extreme bad taste. Especially since I was insulted and threatened.

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[quote user="odile"]For a mod to suggest that I should leave if not happy with such, is in extreme bad taste.[/quote]

Did I suggest that?

All I did was to offer you options on actions you could take to help resolve your unhappiness with the way the forum is moderated.

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Would you like to post my British Passport here too. Personal insults and threats do not deserve my great sense of humour IMHO- and moderators should know better- and follow Forum guidelines and etiquette, whether they approve or disapprove with the comments politely made.

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[quote user="Dog"][quote user="Russethouse"]

 Are you referring to last night ? If so go to http://www.danasoft.com/


It was deliberately used to cause hurt and distress to Odile and it did.

I was shocked and think it was underhand behaviour.

I hereby make my formal complaint about the outrageous behaviour of the person that sent this post.

This is not the behaviour of a gentleman.



Dog... are you suggesting that you have never said anything that could cause distress or hurt to another?  If so, I think you may wish to re-visit the speeding thread and read through some of your comments... one of your first posts on the subject included telling a poster to calm down and chill out. Go wash your Morris Minor.

I'm sure you will say you were simply making a joke or a light hearted comment but I found your comment rude... does that mean I should make a formal complaint or should I just accept that you and I share different view points?

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[quote user="Dog"][quote user="Russethouse"]

 Are you referring to last night ? If so go to http://www.danasoft.com/


It was deliberately used to cause hurt and distress to Odile and it did.

I was shocked and think it was underhand behaviour.

I hereby make my formal complaint about the outrageous behaviour of the person that sent this post.

This is not the behaviour of a gentleman.



The fact that mods did not a/ take him to task immediately or at all  b/refused to accept my polite request for the post to me removed   if far more serious IMHO. To then suggest that I can take it or leave it - is also despicable. Throughout the thread, I never used insulting language in any way shape or form.

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[quote user="Boiling a frog"]It is worth pointing out that the 2 people who are making such a noise about this obviously have no sense of humour, but then again it is not surprising as neither of them are British [:D][/quote]

IMHO, this post is offensive and gratuitous!

I hadn't realised that there was a causal link between being British and having a sense of humour [:@]

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I was making an observation based on your recent posts on the BNP thread where you did not show any sense of humour at all. You have continued in the same vein on this thread, despite numerous people pointing out last night and today  the true facts about your ISP etc not being visible to others. A red mist seems to have decended over your eyes.

Correct me if I am wrong, but were you not born and brought up in Switzerland  and only moved to the UK in your late teens.

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does that make any difference at all, surely you don't want to even suggest bringing racism here too?

 I hold a British Passport which is as good as yours. Accepting insults and threats, with a pretense that a poster knows where I live and all my internet details- and posted them in a middle of a post (with a threat)- has nothing to do with having a sense of humour, and you know it well.  Mods should have pulled him up on this immediately- irrespective on whether they agreed with my opinions, always expressed politely, whether they 'like' me, or whether I was born and bred in Britain. Most here I am sure agree- even if they disagreed with what I said.

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[quote user="odile"]The fact that mods did not a/ take him to task immediately or at all  b/refused to accept my polite request for the post to me removed   if far more serious IMHO.[/quote]

I believe Russethouse has explained to you that the mods, who are all unpaid volunteers, are not chained to their computer 24/7.

All of us have lives which, it may surprise you to read, do not revolve around policing the forum.

You cannot seriously expect any of us to be on standby to remove a post or a thread.

I will repeat again, if you are unhappy with the way the mods are moderating, stop going on about it and contact Forum Admin.

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[quote user="odile"]does that make any difference at all, surely you don't want to even suggest bringing racism here too?
 I hold a British Passport which is as good as yours.

I do not hold a British passport[:P][:(]


How many times do you have to be told ,last night and today, that your details were only visible to you. There was no need for mods to get involved, other people spelt out to you exactly what was happening but you chose and are still chosing to ignore these posts .

Change the record it is getting boring now. [:'(]

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[quote user="Rose"]

[quote user="odile"]

 HOW did a poster get access to my details? I asked mods to remove the post twice, but this was ignored. Extremely concerned.


Odile the poster didn't get your details... the little sign simple picks up the details of the 'readers' computer, whoever the reader is... no-one else, including the OP, ever had access to or knew your details... the link RH gives will allows you to creater your own sign... it's the link JayJay provided you with yesterday.[/quote]

As I've said before.....READ what is posted Odile. You love to fire off on one, but YOU DO NOT READ what has been posted. Maybe you should think about starting your own forum. [:D]

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We all yoddle and wear lederhosen of course. I spent all my life trying to make people all over the world that British people are not all football hooligans and p...ssheads, beating each other constantly with broken glasses, wearing a hanky over their head with a fag in their mouth. Because that is what people see on TV and the Press.

Some British people are wonderful, and have a fabulous sense of humour - others to do not, just like the Swiss. This is totally irrelevant, and hopefully will be seen for what it is by others. Despicable. You can post anything you want after this as I won't see it.

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