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checklist before moving?


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I've found a few posts, but apparently a lot were lost in a forum refactor

I agree with one of the posters that this should be a FAQ - however much research you do you always feel like there's something you missed!

So far - for this end of the move, I have(in no particular order):

tax (P85?)

DHSS (E106)

Child benefit office

proof of no claims on car insurance

inform banks, solicitors, savings accounts.

redirect post (PO)

obviously there's a lot more (like resigning at work and informing schools, etc) but I really wanted to know the legal necessities!

There was a very comprehensive post from 2heads about what you have to do when you get there:

Carte de Sejour (birth certificate, passport, proof of income, proof of address etc.)

Livret de Famille (birth certificate, passport, proof of income, proof of address, wedding certificate, etc.)



Social security


Register with tax man

Property lease or buyProperty insurance


Buy car

Register car

Driving license

Car insurance




V license


Satellite TV

Internet connection

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This is probably very obvious to most people - be sure to close all utility accounts before leaving. Somehow we never closed our electricity account which was from some obscure server on the net and we received a huge bill from them after we had been here a while. We were being charged for electricity being used by the next people in the house! We did manage to sort it out but it took ages. Good luck - Pat.
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good point - somehow the obvious quite frequently gets overlooked

post, electricity, phone, bank, new bank in France, insurance brokers, and all the other people one needs to tell when one moves address in the same country all need to be told!

There's so much to think about that sometimes I feel we will forget a lot - like taking photos of where we all are now, so we can look back, and making sure we get in contact with people we only associate with on 'the xmas card list' so they know where we are going.

Doh!, I'm not going to get depressed about it - roll on the move I say!! can't wait

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Please-please-please put your new address on the back of all your Xmas cards and letters.

My sister moved and we lost contact for 7 years. She sent me Xmas cards and letters --- where from? Hah!! We both got a bit peeved with each other.

I am already working on my "I've moved" address list. It's going to everyone!!

Coral - soon to be in Ariege - I hope!

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