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Forgotten Password Issues

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I tried three times using the forgotten password system. Everytime I recieved the new password correctly - copied and pasted into the bbox but was not allowed in.

I received onePM on another forum in January from somebody having similar problems.

Finally rejoined using another name and my emergency Wanadoo Email address.

Has anybody else had problems ?
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Might the problem be with the login rather than the password? You have to log in using an e-mail address, not your forum name. In my case the log-in e-mail address is the one with which I originally signed up (and which has not actually existed for many years), not the current one listed in my profile. Daft maybe, but that's the way the forum seems to work.

It seems that you can have several users with the same forum name, so there was probably no need to change your original name.

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Anton Redman - yes, it's happened to me several times. The new password provided (copied and pasted, as advised) never gained me entry. It is only thanks to the helpfulness of other members and a moderator that I am still here, after much frantic email exchange (frantic on my part!)
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