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The search facility doesn't appear to be working; I tried to find an earlier thread on Brico Depot Kitchens using the keyword "Brico" but it came back with zero results. The thread IS there with "Brico Depot Kitchens" in the title.

Also, a thread has appeared on "My Forums" showing that I replied to a thread about Bluetooth yesterday when in fact my last reply was in Spetember!

More than one gremlin lurking, methinks.

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I don't know what has happened to the forum search facility, it could be due to ongoing webserver problems at Archant.

The issue with an old post of yours showing up in the "My Forums" view is down to the deletion of several posts of a tiresome little troll.  Yours was the last post, but because the troll posted to the thread last night, the thread became "active" again.

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 Yesterday, 10:32


Joined on 02/06/2008
Posts 4,594

Re: Forum hiccups

Get the impression that the remould of the forum software is under way.

Now I can only search back to the Ist day of december in 2011.

Attempts to locate Martin Le Foll at Port Garrec today gave "rock-all".

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