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[quote user="Patf"]Win7
Mozilla Firefox
I posted this pm on the "Appearance" thread. The post has appeared but does NOT appear under Active Topics. Even when refreshed.
I remember the old system was often erratic on this.
[/quote]Same on IE.  The last post shown on the Active list is one of mine even though yours was written later.  The thread is on the list but not in chronological order.


EDIT : I seem to remember that this used to happen if a Mod' had had to intervene on a thread to remove spam etc.

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[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="powerdesal"]Can now read post with hovering mouse !!!!!! How did that happen ?[/quote]

I didn't know that was ever possible and it still isn't for me. W7 IE8[/quote]

You go into 'edit your details' by clicking on your name - top right - and tick the box marked 'Enable Post Mouse-Over Popup'.


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[quote user="andyh4"][:P][/quote]  Sorry not meant to degrade the quality of the information here.


Delete does not work XP IE8

I posted the smiley to see if it would work following the other comments about no smilleys.  Having established that it works I deleted it immediately - only of course I didn't.

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Testing to see if I can post now back home - I was at our offices today and tried to use the forum, I could log in, got the posting box, wrote messages but on clicking either 'post' button my post just disappeared into thin air. In fact I emailed Clair via the forum, putting the content of my message into the e-mail message box and although she got the message, it appears to have been blank.

IE7 (I think - back home now so can't check - on Windows 2003 Server x64).

Home setup, which I am using now, is Firefox 11, Win 7 wrks fine now IE Tab add-on is disabled which was needed to make the old forum work. Unfortunately disabling IE Tab caused Google Toolbar and other useful things to disappear and I can't get them back.

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This has, I believe, been mentioned already. The time showing now on my laptop is 0950 UK time. On the "appearance" thread, I can see the last post as Pachapapa's at 9.17 - that's from the "active topics". When I enter the thread, however, I see that Theiere actually made a further post to that thread at 9.20, which doesn't register at all in "active topics".

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]This has, I believe, been mentioned already. The time showing now on my laptop is 0950 UK time. On the "appearance" thread, I can see the last post as Pachapapa's at 9.17 - that's from the "active topics". When I enter the thread, however, I see that Theiere actually made a further post to that thread at 9.20, which doesn't register at all in "active topics".


It's because an edit has been made to a post after the last post was made. This has always been the case.

eg: [edited by: pachapapa at 9:23 (GMT 0) on 23/03/2012]
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[quote user="Forum Admin"]

[quote user="You can call me Betty"]This has, I believe, been mentioned already. The time showing now on my laptop is 0950 UK time. On the "appearance" thread, I can see the last post as Pachapapa's at 9.17 - that's from the "active topics". When I enter the thread, however, I see that Theiere actually made a further post to that thread at 9.20, which doesn't register at all in "active topics".



It's because an edit has been made to a post after the last post was made. This has always been the case.

eg: [edited by: pachapapa at 9:23 (GMT 0) on 23/03/2012]

Fairy nuff! Suprising, then, that it doesn't update the posting time to reflect that, but hey, in the great scheme of confusion and cuckop (no typo..) that prevails at present, it's not important.[:D]

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I thought I would try again in none compatibility mode as somebody has said they are getting better results.

Well no white bit at the beginning, was able to log out and back in again but was not able to put the cursor in this text box without selecting a 'color' first. The cursor will still not move round the text with the mouse, have to use the navigation keys. Don't know about paragraph spacing until I hit the post button. I shall try the top one first.

Nope, top post button did not work.


Edit, still no paragraph spacing, appears to when typing but disappears when you post.


Seems to me its better to use compatibility mode and have the big white bit.

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1 cm of fields etc on each side of the screen I can live with.

 (The above is a quote from Powerdesal Steve but I can't get the quote to work).  I have transferred this from the whinging thread:

I have ten cms of border either side so lose 20cms  of my screen width leaving just under 30 cms of actual forum.

Also, now when I quote, half of the quoted post has fallen off the screen so I cannot read it whilst responding which is worse than it was, not better!

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Post test edit:

Aha!  Yes, Quillan, I can now post in Compatibility mode which gets rid of the white spacebetween the masthead and the forum but not the huge border problem, nor the fact that there is now a large blank space to the left of this box as I post a response and nothing on the right of it.

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Don't know if this has alrady been pposted as I have not looked at the rest of this thread - but today I find that when the topic is several pages long (or even 25 as in "Whaaaaa....t!" as you try to move to different pages, you no longer can see which page you are actually on.

And I still can't get the print big enough to read without scrolling back and forth sideways all the time!

I am having the same problem size wise with this posting page, where to  see both sides of what I have written I have to reduce the size to where I get the lavender border back.

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[quote user="Judith"]Don't know if this has alrady been pposted as I have not looked at the rest of this thread - but today I find that when the topic is several pages long (or even 25 as in "Whaaaaa....t!" as you try to move to different pages, you no longer can see which page you are actually on.

And I still can't get the print big enough to read without scrolling back and forth sideways all the time!

I am having the same problem size wise with this posting page, where to  see both sides of what I have written I have to reduce the size to where I get the lavender border back.


Judith, can you state your system please? (Windows XP, Vista, W7,  Mac maybe?) and browser (Internet Explorer 8 or 9, Safari, Opera, Firefox or Chrome, or something else altogether...?)


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[quote user="Judith"]Don't know if this has alrady been pposted as I have not looked at the rest of this thread - but today I find that when the topic is several pages long (or even 25 as in "Whaaaaa....t!" as you try to move to different pages, you no longer can see which page you are actually on.

[/quote]I thought this but in fact if you look you'll see (hopefully) that it's written there to the left of the page numbers (page 3 of 8 or whatever) at the bottom.  Not as neat as the previous system but it is there.
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Some forums allow you to scan through previous posts when replying to a post by using a slider on the side. Would make a useful addition if you want to refer to something posted a few posts back and can't remember the full story. (senior moments)

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On the reply to post screen there are two  "post and preview" buttons, one is over subject and the other is at the bottom. I have found if I click on the "post" button by the  subject line, it bounces back to the edit screen. by using the bottom button I can reply to a post.

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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="Judith"]Don't know if this has alrady been pposted as I have not looked at the rest of this thread - but today I find that when the topic is several pages long (or even 25 as in "Whaaaaa....t!" as you try to move to different pages, you no longer can see which page you are actually on.

And I still can't get the print big enough to read without scrolling back and forth sideways all the time!

I am having the same problem size wise with this posting page, where to  see both sides of what I have written I have to reduce the size to where I get the lavender border back.


Judith, can you state your system please? (Windows XP, Vista, W7,  Mac maybe?) and browser (Internet Explorer 8 or 9, Safari, Opera, Firefox or Chrome, or something else altogether...?)



Clair, thanks.

Yes, inevitably, once I'd posted, I saw Coops post, then looked and saw, but really is it al lso difficult to see - and I am continually having to scroll back and forth as I type so give up!

Again  - to write and see what I've just typed I have to reduce to the stage where I get the background, which I really do not want!

I'm using Firefox on a Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard?)

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We've still got this problem whereby it appears that by pressing the return key we create a paragraph (ie it leaves a blank line in the text in the posting box) but when the post appears this is not the case.

What therefore happens is that if one writes a long post with lots of paragraphs, it is very hard to read as happened to me just now on the moaning thread.  Fine if we have to press the return key twice now but the posting box should look the same - ie when you return once it shouldn't produce an extra blank white line (which would make it consistent with other text writing programmes and good old-fashioned typewriters!)

Now doesn't that look awful?  Whereas it didn't when I typed it in the posting box.

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