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Google chrome and quotes


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I made a post on the forum earlier in Firefox, which promptly froze so I couldn't correct a typo. I gave up and came onto the forum via Google Chrome and corrected the error - only to find that all the quote boxes in the post got corrupted after I submitted the edit.  I recognised what I see on other people's posts sometimes so I guess they are using Chrome and getting the same problem.  Is there no fix for this?

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Debra, for some reason the forum's software doesn't work properly in Chrome, which is now my default browser. I can either open IE9 and comment using that, or use the Chrome plug-in which I downloaded  and which gives me an IE-based tab, which allows the forum to display properly. In both cases I can get the quotes function to work as it should.

I had hoped that the forum upgrade would remove this need to use an IE display with Chrome, but it hasn't happened. Since Chrome is now one of the most widely-used browsers and has almost overtaken IE in popularity, it does seem short-sighted for the forum to use software which won't display or work properly in Chrome.

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