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Someone on the Forum doesn't like me


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It's true.  In the past few days some of my posts have disappeared.

Even more curious, some of my posts have been quoted by others and have shown up on their posts but my own, original, post is somewhere in outer space and nowhere to be seen.

Paranoia beckons.  Unless some conspiracy theorest can make a few suggestions?

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I've seen and read posts from you, mint, so even if you can't see them, I'm guessing that some of us still can...

I doubt you're being censored. You're a lot less inclined to put yourself in that particular firing zone than some of us. Me.
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Les Dawson and Roy Barraclough...Cissy and Ada.

Norman, thank you. Since I lost weight and gave in to my facial hair, I feel mieux dans ma peau, or minus days am pea, if you prefer to rely on Apple to guess what you've typed..

Of course, once I was outed by ebaynut, I had to come out of the closet and confess I've been living a lie for the last forty years and more. Came as a surprise to Mr Betty, I can tell you.
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[quote user="gardengirl "]I loved Betty's previous aviator - it reminded me of the 2 chaps dressed as old wom?en, pushing their bosoms up etc - can't remember their names, but they always made me laugh! The new one just doesn't do it for me![/quote]

Hadn't realised she has some St Exupéry type character hidden out of sight and no red top has twigged?  Grrrr......where are the papparazi when you need them?

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]oh, if only I could insert a picture without getting up, walking to the study, switching on my laptop......[/quote]

Oh, the stress, the stress - it's just too much at times ... [:)][:)]

Sue [;-)]

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]No stress, Sue, just effort. [/quote]

Being older than you [:-))] I quite like the mental gymnastics I have to perform, from time to time, to stay in tune with these (deffo numerous) web-sites that provide a service of sorts to people like me with time on their hands but limited technical know-how.

Surprising as it might seem to you I have learnt quite a lot from the likes of Archant, and their near rivals, in trying to make their attempts work in my life.


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[quote user="mint"]It's true.  In the past few days some of my posts have disappeared.

Even more curious, some of my posts have been quoted by others and have shown up on their posts but my own, original, post is somewhere in outer space and nowhere to be seen.

Paranoia beckons.  Unless some conspiracy theorist can make a few suggestions?


Mint, if you ever get cured of yer paranoia it doesn't mean that they aren't still after you lass [6]

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Well you remember the old expression Mint

Many a true word is spoken

and also

You can fool all the people all the time

you can fool some of the people some of the time

but you can't fool all the time people of the sum. If that adds up?


I always did get confused easily [:$]

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