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Yes, but what's with all the underlinings???[:-))]  Decades ago, when I had a couple of lectures on graphics (a tiny part of my course at the time), it was DRILLED into us that underlining was a definite No-No on the basis that it's hard on the eyes and clumsy and that there are many more elegant ways of emphasising something than using underlines.

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It was like that last night, me  being a night owl saw it in a hugely improved format.

The other good thing was that I could type immediately, where as EVERY SINGLE TIME, I try to reply, I have to adjust the font and the size of the font again and again, before I get a line saying I can start typing.

If I just press which ever letter I am going to start a reply with without doing that, then the page jumps to the bottom.

NOW WE ARE BACK TO THE OLD FORMAT, tant pis, nice whilst it lasted.

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I missed the temporary change! Oh well.

For web design I was always taught that underlining should only be used for links (hyperlinks) and that bold or larger font size can be used for emphasis (if that's what the underlinings were last night ?)
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How to describe it, on my PC, the reply page took over the full screen. Clear to use, so much space. Everything I needed was there and no adverts popping on and off relentlessly.

I don't stop the adverts, sounds like I know how to, and I don't, but it's ok, they are probably paying in some way, for using this site.

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