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My first mise mort

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I've done it, I've seen my first mise mort.

Beautiful until he stuck the dagger in the head, and the second one definitely deserved to live to die another day.

But otoh, in the midst of life and all that. I'm sure it's good for the soul to face mortality. The camaraderie, apro, and communal meal afterwards were all you'd expect from Traditional France, and I spent a happy 20 minutes chatting with the man whose horses I helped to brand with hot irons, ouch.

It's all very different from Southampton.

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LAST EDITED ON 18-Jul-04 AT 11:44 PM (BST)

I'm sorry Ab (soory SB!) but this is something I really do find abhorant!! I don't believe in banning fox hunting, or deer hunting for that matter - I'm certainly not a vegitarian - but I cannot justify this chasing of bulls through the streets and killing them. It just seems like animal torture to me. Just what is the purpose of it all? Can anyone explain to me why it should still be a legal past-time?

Is there any difference between this and something like bear bating?

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