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We have properties in France from which we receive an income, but we live in the UK.

Does anyone know the number of the French Tax Forms wych we need to complete, for the French Tax Authorities?

They have sent us forms 2042 and 2042C, but these seem to be the ones for people who reside in France


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




Derek Oates

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I'm not that knowledgeable, but as no-one else seems to have replied yet.......  As far as I know, if you live in the UK for more than 183 days (i.e. half the year) then you are deemed to be tax resident in the UK.  So you only declare and pay tax in the UK.  That said, you should declare your overseas income to the UK tax authorities.  Ask your local tax office - they are usually very helpful.



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I'm not that knowledgable either but our research has led us to believe that you are obliged to let the French tax office know of any income earned in France. We've heard that they don't take kindly to being left in the dark. Since there is a double tax treaty you shouldn't end up paying any more though.

The French tax year runs to December so perhaps it makes sense to declare any income there first and that tax deduction can be made by the French. This can then be declared to the UK tax office later in the April tax return in the UK.

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Many thanks to the persons who responded to our query regarding French Tax Forms.

However, we ARE trying to declare the earnings on our French properties to the French Tax Authorities, but they appear to have sent us the wrong forms.

Therefore, I will pose the question again - does anyone know the number of the Tax Form for people not residing in France, so that we can request same from the French tax authorities.

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We are resident in UK and have income from French lettings. Last year the forms we filled in were 2042 and 2042C, as well as this we filled in 2031 as we have registered our house as a commercial business. It seems to have been the right forms and we just had to pay tax Contribution Sur Revenu Locatif at 2.5% of turnover as, once we did the accounts we hadn't made a profit to pay income tax on.

Hope that helps.


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