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Complete France Forum

This is a Whinge!

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Now I must start by saying that in general our local Carrefours are pretty good and unlike most of the other supermarkets will reimburse when one returns things.... and I really like that.

However, when one has to go the the Acceuil, quel bordel! A crowd gathers and it is the law of the jungle and the hotesse make no effort to serve those that are there first. Yesterday, I was blazing. There was a huge queue and as I have learnt to do, kept an eye on who was in front of me, as I won't queue jump. A woman, came along and started forcing her caddie between the people until it was touching the desk and then wriggled her way round it and thrust her articles and receipt in front of the next hotesse that was free. She was the worst case yesterday, but others were being more discrete and still pushing in. I did say something, but the worst offender said, head held high that she had a problem! Obviously the rest of us were queueing for the good of our health.

As it happened by the time I got to the desk there was just about no one there and the girl asked if it were my turn. I told her that it had been my turn ten minutes ago. It was all very amicale and the now free assistants said that it was like that all the time, and surely I knew what most people were like, trs egoist. They had asked the direction for a ticket system, but they didn't want to know.

So yes, I am whinging. That the automatism of greeting, does not mean that people really are polite, and that chacun pour soi, is alive and well in France.
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Well, well, well.

Going back to your original post. My response will hopefully make some people smile.

A very similar thing happened to me, but I was heavily pregnant at the time - almost about to drop and obviously very hormonal!

I queried the price of bin bags and was told that I had to go and queue up at the Accueil with the other 30 people (I'd spent half an hour queuing at the Caisse already) So off I trotted and after 15 mins of people pushing and shoving I became very agitated - having been given disdainful looks by all (she shouldnt be out in her condition). So in the end I went and got myself more bin bags and shouted at the Accueil and all its people that I am going to take them and if they wanted them they would have to arrest me, which I wanted them to do so I could air my frustrations and someone could then at least give me a seat. You know they just let me walk out of the store waiving these bin bags in the air - even security looked scared!!!
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Perhaps ol' Mal has been a bit tetchy here...but this in response to yet another remarkable and fascinating contribution from Teamed Up which, to be honest, really is worthy of comment.
Can I make a suggestion to the moderators/regulators/alligators/little blue people ....
How about a 'Teamed Up' thread ?
The woman is by far the the most prolific poster on the whole gamut of forums so surely she deserves some recognition ?
People could while endless happy hours away trying to decipher her enormously enjoyable offerings without having to search through all the forums for them ?
I for one would be happy to set aside time which I currently spend on a little light quantum physics to have a stab at this new discipline !
Looking forward to it !
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Keep whingeing TU, after all its what we Brit's do best!
Australian joke... How do you know when a plane load of Brit's has landed.. Because when they turn the engines off it carrys on Whining..
Best to all Terry
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My real bugbear on this Forum is the habit so many have of dropping the odd French word into a sentence. Can't we keep it to English OR French? What's with a posting in English using words like "hotesse" or "Accueil"? - I always immediately lose interest in these postings because they appear so pretentious. I know it's not the case with TU but it often makes me wonder if it is the total extent of someone's French vocabulary when they do it!


Now I'm ducking below the parapet!!!!
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