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Re-logged on

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Yesterday I discovered that I was no longer logged on to LF forum. Is this something to do with the changes that we were warned about recently? No trace of me could be found in LF records. Was told that I might have "disappeared" when the site crashed last October. Consequently, I've re-logged on today. However, there must have been some trace of me, as my profile shows my previous e-mail address. Can't change e-mail address on profile as it's marked with a red asterisk. Anyone know how I can change this bit of my profile?
Many thanks.
Sue Smith.
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I to lost my login and it was to do with the crash last October.

I have 2 PC's, one of which I logged on to the Forum all the time with because it had a cookie to do that. However when I tried to login with my new PC using my user name and password it would not let me. The login database was checked and I didn't exist. Strange but there you are, one that would work and one that wouldn't.

I think the problem was that the crash was 'fixed' rather than the program re-installed and then the data reloaded.

No changes have been made whatsoever to the current system.


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