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Bit of clarification on some immobilier terms?

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I've been looking through various properties on Logic-immo, and have come across some new builds.

I'd like some clarification on my understanding of the wording...

Modèle BEVERLY, A PARTIR DE 840Euros/M² (hors dalle et couverture).

Maison ossature bois en kit, possibilité d'être livrée finie.

FABRICATION FRANCAISE 88,8m² H, 3 chambres, garage. Décennale sur les

kits et la pose. Optimiser la qualité du bâti! 74 550 €

As I understand it, this is a wooden framed kit home, with the possibility of having it completed. From that, do I take it that the 74,550€ is for the terrain and the kit, and you need to build it yourself?

Secondly, "Décennale sur les

kits et la pose" has me stumped.. "Décennale" is a word I'm not familiar with.

An example of the ad in question can be seen here...


Can anyone shed some light on these ads?  There's quite a few of them in various locations, and they do seem tempting.



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[quote user="cambscot"]Can anyone shed some light on these ads?  There's quite a few of them in various locations, and they do seem tempting.[/quote]

It seems to me the price is just for the kit ie 840€ x 88.8m2 = 74592€. No concrete flooring slab - dalle - and no roof - couverture - either. And certainly no terrain included.

Either the kit is superb quality or it seems quite expensive.

Décennale is the 10 year guarantee given on parts and labour by artisans.


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Thanks for the replies.

It did seem quite cheap if it included terrain, and expensive if it didn't, hence my queries.

It just seems a bit off if they are advertising the kits in specific locations, as it would suggest that that location is part of the deal.


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