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Complete France Forum

Binge Drinking

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On the "Quality of Life" thread, someone posted that ".... did you know that at least eight people a year are admitted to hospital with skull fracture after vomitting down the toilet?"

This got me thinking about the widespread trend among some of the younger Brits for indulging in binge drinking, which very often leads to all kinds of violent and generally unsocial behaviour. This was highlighted in Mr Blunkett's recent announcement that his next white paper would try to clamp down on this sort of thing.

From UK newspaper and TV reporting, we are led to believe that this is really just a British phenomenon. Do you think this is true, or do the French have an equivalent type of problem?

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>From UK newspaper and TV reporting,
>we are led to believe
>that this is really just
>a British phenomenon. Do
>you think this is true,
>or do the French have
>an equivalent type of problem?

The Albas wine fest (rural 46 some 20 mins W of Cahors) introduces around 6000 visitors into a village of 450/500 - entry fee of 10 for free Cahors wine from 17.30 to 1.00 the next morn. Many young people drinking, dancing to various live bands and generally enjoying themselves - no pavement pizzas, drunks or threatening behaviour (even from us oldies). I realise that this may not be representative of France but I can only speak as I find.

A typical Sat night in Colchester this was not.

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>do the French have
>an equivalent type of problem?

In general the French are more attuned to alcohol in moderation, true, but there are plenty of drunks and bingers. We thought it was just Manche, which seems to have a reputation for such, but we have seen 'paints' in other regions too. I think some of the problem might stem from the fact that many French don't regard beer or cider as being alcoholic drinks.

Will (50)
Forum moderator

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