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Titre de sejour?

Mark & Frances

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Ive been reading the topic on carte de sejours & lm still not clear about it. I know the sejour is obsolete now- l dont understand if we need to apply for a titre de sejour? would there be an occasion when we would need to show one? Whats the difference between carte & titre de sejour ? does anyone know?


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As you have discovered, titre de sejour (or carte de sejour - the two terms mean the same) is no longer required for EU citizens. If you come from outside Europe you still need titre de sejour.

You can still get titre/carte de sejour if you wish - for one thing it is a useful alternative to carrying your passport and proof of address around with you (you are required to carry ID in France) and for another thing it can ease the process of dealing with officialdom. I found it invaluable when registering as profession liberale in France earlier this year, but now, as the various systems are catching up with the fact that you don't legally need titre de sejour, it's probably not so important.

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> you are required to carry ID in France

I've heard this a lot, and just thought I'd ask. What do the French use as ID? And if it's simply some sort of ID card, can we have one too? I live here and pay my taxes etc. OK, so I'm not French, would that make a difference getting one?

I do not carry round my passport and proof of address at the moment, as a matter of course. What would/could happen if I was asked to produce them but couldn't?
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The French have identity cards. The carte de sejour is, basically, a French identity card for non-French nationals.

I don't know what happens if you cannot produce ID, I think in most cases you would simply be asked to return, with some form of ID. If you were asked by the police, and couldn't produce ID, the gendarmes probably have powers to fine you or detain you but I suspect in case of a first offence or unless you had done something serious they might accept some other ID or ask you to report later to the gendarmerie.

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> The French have identity cards. The carte de sejour is, basically, a French identity card for non-French nationals.

Thanks for the info. So, I am now wondering, do you know when French Nationals receive this? In time my children may be considered nationals, when would they receive one? When they are 18 perhaps?

Perhaps it's a good idea for me and my Wife to obtain carte de sejours so we can avoid any problems in the future?
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Well I can't be sure but our kids have been here a long time but they can't ever be Nationals unless they apply to be one. I don't believe it is an automatic thing for us Brits whose kids were born in the UK, no matter how long you live here. We still all have our Titres but will try to renew them when they run out.

Strange really because we are rarely asked for ID, possibly Supermarkets, if indeed we want to pay by cheque, last week when registering a car I used it and on a few other occasions, it just seems so much easier to have one somehow.


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gives details of the various conditions for acquiring French nationality, a prerequisite to acquiring a French national identity card.


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My kids are French nationals and they had their ID's from a couple of months old. As Janealain said, you don't get sent them, you have to apply. Most french people don't bother until they are 18 unless they want to travel outside of France. I think you need one to get a driving licence.

I have been told (but have never checked) that you don't actually have to have ID on you if you are in the company of two other people who can prove theirs and can vouch for you. It sounds more complicated than keeping a card in your pocket.

I still haven't put in my application for French ID, the French birth cert has come (very quickly) but I haven't got round to going to a photograpers to do the photos.

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Who can control your identity?

The control of identity can be made by a policeman, a policeman and in some cases a customs-officer.


Control of identity: in what case?

The control of administrative police identity aims all person being in France.

He/it is made as prevention of an attack to the public order.

He/it takes place in public places:  street, station....

Controls of identity can be practiced with regard to people of which an indication let think than them:

committed tempted either to commit an infringement,

get ready to commit a crime or an offense,

are susceptible to provide information on a crime or an offense,

are the subject of research ordered by a judicial authority.


Control of identity and convention of Schengen

Since the entry in force of the convention of Schengen, some controls can be done by the agents of the customs: 

in the zones situated to less of 20 kilometers of the borders of the States signatory of the convention, this ray capable to be spread to 60 kilometers;

in the ports, airports, open road and railway stations to the international traffic.


Judicial police identity control

The judicial police identity control is practiced on instruction of the district attorney of Republic for the research of precise infringements, in places and for determined one period.


How to justify his/her/its identity Justifying

At the time of a control, you have the obligation to justify your identity.

The identification card is not obligatory, you can justify your identity other means throughout:

passport or driver's license,

family record book, military record, extracted of birth certificate with complete filiation, card of voter or social security..,

call to testimony.

The strangers must besides to establish the regularity of their stay in France (passport, visa, card of stay).

If you are in the impossibility to justify your identity, or if the produced documents don't appear sufficient to establish your identity (document without photo), you can be the subject of an identity verification.


Verification of identity Procèdure

The police or the state police can keep you there or in their local to establish your identity.

You can be presented to a judicial police officer.

You can present new papers, to call on testimonies.

Verification must last to the maximum four hours between the beginning of the identity control and the end of the identity verification.

You can have the district attorney of Republic, your family or all person of your choice warned.

For a miner:

the legal representative (father, mother or guardian) must be warned before all verification, and must, except impossibility, to help it,

the district attorney of Republic must be warned.


Verification of identity

You can have the district attorney of Republic, your family or all person of your choice warned.

For a miner:

the legal representative (father, mother or guardian) must be warned before all verification, and must, except impossibility, to help it,

the district attorney of Republic must be warned.


Taken of fingerprints

The hold of fingerprints or photos cannot be made that on authorization of the district attorney of Republic or the judge of instruction if they constitute the unique means to establish your identity.

The verification of identity must lead to a minutes.

You can refuse to sign it.

You can ask for copy of it.


A reasonable translation and perhaps a warning to everyone to carry your passport or driving licence with you also important to know that the police can only hold you for 4 hours

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[QUOTE] A reasonable translation [/QUOTE]

Sorry to disappoint you but it's not... it seems very hard on miners. Perhaps they should find other work.

I find it virtually impossible to understand. Could you post a link or quote the original.

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[quote][QUOTE] A reasonable translation [/QUOTE] Sorry to disappoint you but it's not... it seems very hard on miners. Perhaps they should find other work. I find it virtually impossible to understand. Co...[/quote]

If you are so smart find it yourself and then translate it

Yes it is hard on miners after all they tunnel underground so very difficult to find them so when found must be subjected to rigourous checks

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Here is some information on identity checks, perhaps similar to what inspired BaF?


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Proof of identity :  I recently had a problem of applying for replacement of a lost tatouage certificate for one of our dogs. One of the things I was asked to send was proof of identity of the previous owner. Letters went back and forward and finally they accepted a copy of an EDF bill from the previous owner, with his name and address, as sufficient . Whether this would cover other situations I don't know. Pat.
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