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What do you do in a bedroom?

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Still fretting about wisdom of new house offer.

The 2 bedrooms are each 10m. Our bed is about 2m by 1.6m, so given that there's already a placard in the room and there are those cursed inward-opening French doors, there'll be the bed and not much else.

And yet, what else do you need in a bedroom apart from a bed?

The current occupants of the house have got their bed on the mezzanine over the salle manger, but that seems a bit exposed to me.

So, how big is yours, and does the size matter?

All opinions gratefully received, as always.
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LAST EDITED ON 25-Jul-04 AT 10:42 PM (BST)

Well ours is quite a bit bigger (about 20 sq m, I think) and I don't even have a gard-robe (=wardrobe) in there because I wanted the feeling of space, cos in the UK I always had a piddling little bedroom. However, one of our guest rooms is only 10m sq; it contains a bed, a wardrobe (=gard-robe) and a chest of drawers; but at the time, that was exactly what I said to my husband - "what do they need to do in here?"

So although I'm not answering your question at all, I think that there really is no question to answer.... if you get my drift!

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>Still fretting about wisdom of new
>house offer.

>And yet, what else do you
>need in a bedroom apart
>from a bed?
>So, how big is yours, and
>does the size matter?


I have been reading this thread with interest as it seems to me you would like someone to tell you to go ahead - but we wont or can't.

We have just sold our business in the UK and my mantra to our undecided customers was: if in doubt - don't. Or even: go away and then come back and have a second look - working on the premise that a second look makes you realise either how dreadful the thing is/was or how much you really like it.

You sound to me as tho' you are trying to talk yourself into this house, but do you really need it, right at this minute? If you have sold in the UK then can you not afford to keep renting until you find somewhere you are more sure about? Or at least somewhere that needs less doing to it?


(Interested in that we will be in the same kind of situation soon.)

Add: I am tiny and our present bedroom is huge - don't know what that means.

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