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What are my goldfish on?

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Last year after putting in a new liner to my pond I bought 2 goldfish to put in the pond to keep me amused (ah).
So as to aclimatise them I put them in a smaller pond for about a month before transferring them to my main (how posh) pond. Over the last couple of months I have netted and transferred another six which made eight altogether. I knew there were a lot more in the smaller pond but I just couldn't catch them so yesterday I pumped all the water out until I could scoop all the little blighters out and I now have about fifty (50) which is very nice but when should I get concerned about the numbers?
I know its probably sad but when there were just the eight I had names for each of them but now......
I have had a thought though, perhaps I could add them to my courgettes.
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LAST EDITED ON 28-Jul-04 AT 07:25 PM (BST)

May I recommend putting up a sign saying "herons welcome"

They sorted out the entire population of our pond overnight!!

Anyone any suggestions as to what to do with an oversized birdbath?!!!

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