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Plan cadastral

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We've been sent the plan cadastral for the house we're in the process of buying. However, we're not sure what the numbers refer to... the street and surrounding areas seem to be blocked off into segments which are numbered, but these numbers have no relation to the house numbers... can anyone cast any light on what these numbers are?

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The numbers are simply "plot" numbers (our house & garden has 4 numbers issued, next door 6). The blocks are errr.... "development status" probably. Are they marked UE, UA etc etc? If so, they describe what can be done with the land; building, no building, agriculture, building (soon), building (probably, at some undefined time in the future), don't even ask, nature reserve, industrial, commune use, education, recreation etc etc. The French system knows everything about everything and writes it down...

Your loacl Mairie will be able to translate the codes for you.

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