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house buying and french inheritance


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we signed the compromis de vente in October, and it took a while for the notaire acting on behalf of the vendors to sign as the original owner had died and all his heirs had to give their permission.

We've just heard that one of them has now died, so what happens to our sale? If the deceased had children will they now have to give their permission, or will the original contract still hold? Even worse, could we have to start again with a new compromis de vente? - or worse still could they stop the sale (the return of our deposit isn't much help in our situation)?

All we know is to expect more delays - which isn't very helpful when we're due to be homeless in the UK at the end of January
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Speak to the Notaire (are you using two? You refer to the "Vendors Notaire"). IANAL but, I think that it depends upon what stage the signing was at when the Vendor died. If he/she had obviously intended to sign, then the Notaire may decide that was the case and let the sale progress. If not, then a new CdV would be needed, which includes his/her beneficiaries.

The Notaire will be working today, so give them a ring (they will be working Monday, too).

And yes, expect more delays! French inheritance law is sooo complex.....

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I would like to speak to the notaire direct, but so far we have not been given his number or any details other than that he is Maitre Valade of Chateauneuf de la Foret. We opted to use the same notaire as the vendeurs as we had no reason to justify bringing another one into the fray. Google may be my friend but other than the number for the mairie it hasn't given us anything, and although the immoblier say they are doing their best we feel they could act faster if they wanted to. We appreciate that our purchase isn't going to earn them mega bucks but it's a lot of money to us and the family's future is in the balance!

The main thing is we would like to know if our purchase could be under threat, as we have quite a tight timeframe here as we will be homeless after the end of January.

If the original CdV still holds then we will be OK eventually, but if the deceased's children now come into the picture it could all be different
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[quote]I would like to speak to the notaire direct, but so far we have not been given his number or any details other than that he is Maitre Valade of Chateauneuf de la Foret. We opted to use the same notair...[/quote]

Would this be his/ her number? 05 55 69 35 24

Pages Jaunes - & on Xmas day too. What a sad ****** I am.

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