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Killing Barry - An Update

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It took three of us in the end, plus a length of strawberry netting and a lump of wood, but Barry finally met his maker early this morning. To the end his eyes held their malice, but careful handling and thick gloves ensured that none of got gored by what turned out to be the most vicious pair of spurs we had ever seen. Having got hold of him, Evan (who knows about these things) reckons he was a breed of fighting cock (still legal in parts of France, I understand, hence still a market) rather than a docile Light Sussex - this would explain a lot.

He is now stewing slowly in wine - hopefully he will make a decent coq au vin. I'm giving the hens a rest for a month or so; certainly they don't seem to mind not having him around so far, but I am now looking to replace him. Any suggestions of breed? Something with less attitude preferably.
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LAST EDITED ON 07-Aug-04 AT 06:55 PM (BST)

My buff orpingtons are very docile and while my hens have bare backs the skin is unbroken. I chose to keep the two most docile of 4, the other two were a bit more pecky. They are both happy to be picked up, they are more like teddy bears than "Randy", my first mongrel cockerel...
My silkies are even tamer and the hens don't even get bare backs... but no use for full sized hens I don't suppose.
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Oh what a sad day !
I liked Barry and your behaviour is, of course, monstrous - who on earth would want a cock WITHOUT attitude - I'm sure I wouldn't !
I'm going to search out a bottle of Chambertin and drink a toast to him.
All joking apart .... let us know if he was any good (bitewise).
Sounds like he'd got your number though !!! ( 3 to 1 and he still put up a fight - awesome !)

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