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Escape from les flics!!

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What can I say - I KNOW you should stop completely at a STOP sign, but well, there was only this big white van coming along, and there was plenty of time for me to nip out in front of it. Ah zut, what do I see in my mirror, suddenly said white van has sprouted sirens and a collection of letters which appear to spell POLICE.

Truly, I was caught like a Treen in a disabled spaceship.

Madame, do you have a driving licence?
Did you see the STOP sign?
You know you should have stopped.
And yet you accelerated?
Yes. Chuis dsole.
That's a *insert large number here* euro fine.
Ah, d'accord.
Okay, be more careful in future. Next time it really will be a large-number-of-euros fine.

And he got back into his van and let me drive off!! My neighbour, who was in the passenger seat, swears it was my short skirt that did it, but my modesty doesn't allow me to agree with her. I prefer to think he felt sorry for me because I hadn't had the presence of mind to wear a black bra with my black top, so I was suffering from a bad case of clashing straps.

Quand meme, short skirt or not, I will stop at STOP signs in future. Mostly

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This sounds a little bit like something that happened to me. About 10-11pm and they were conducting drinking/driving checks.
Looked at my driving licence and decided to speak to me in English. Ok by me.
Alcohol. Do you like alcohol?
Do you like alcohol?
(At this point I realized that the question he was asking was not what he meant. So...)
Thank you very much for your invitation but it's a little late and I have to go home.
Please go.

and I wasn't wearing my miniskirt either!


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Obviously you were driving a French registered car.....
On two occasions now, we have been stopped by the police only to be let go almost immediately when they've done a double check on the number plate and realised we're English. Having said that, on both occasions they were doing spot checks. The first time was the funniest and this I shall recount...
About 7 years ago my mother bought a very large and VERY ancient Volvo (nicknamed Wally!). Massive great thing, built like a tank. Anyway... she bought it 'cos it was a left hand drive, English registered and an estate so that she could move all her bits to her new house in Correze. Hubby and I went to join her for a few days and then we packed up "Wally" and headed south to Spain for a couple of weeks to stay at (what was) my aunt and uncle's place near Figueres. Now Wally wasn't the fastest of cars, and in those days you had to go THROUGH Cahors up and down ALL the hills and Wally only managed this at 15 m.p.h!!! Very tiresome. Took about 9 hours to get to Spain oh and the air con didn't work either. Anyway I digress...
Travelling home, we left late in the evening and then had some problems with oil disappearing and had to do several stops at various garages to keep topping up. It was about one in the morning when we were reasonably close to Brive and passing through Souilhac (?) when the police had created a road block across the entire town and we were stopped. Actually quite daunting and frightening as they were all armed and it was the middle of the night...
Sgt: (in French) - Good evening, your papers please
Mum: (driving and directed to me on back seat in English) - Jo can you reach over and get the car papers out the boot.
Captain: (to Sgt in French)- What are you doing?
Sgt: (French) - Checking their papers
Mum: (French to Sgt) - Here you go
Captain: (to Sgt) - They're English
Sgt: (taking papers and talking to Capt) - It's a left hand drive car
Mum: (in French) - Is everything ok?
Captain: - They are DEFINITELY English look at the number plate
Sgt: (walks around front of car still holding papers) - Oh!
Captain: - Do you speak English?
Sgt: - No
Captain: (directed at dozen other police in road) - Do any of you speak English?
Others:- No
Captain: (to Sgt) - Well let them go then!
Sgt: (hands papers back to mum and says to all three of us in French) - Thank you, you may go now.
All of us in car: (In French and in unison) - Thank you officer and good night!!

We spent the remaining hour of our trip in absolute hysterics!!!
I shall never forget it.

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