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Change password?


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Could some kind person advise how I might change my password and add a "signature" after I have registered. I have tried to re-register in order to change my password but I am told that username (and something else which I have now forgotten) already exists.


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[quote]In the second yellow band down (as I type this page) there is 'Control Panel', that allows you to change your password in 'Registration Details' and there is also a 'Message signature' area where you ...[/quote]

I have been looking for ways to change my password too, on my second yellow line down I can only see Active topics/popular topics. Sorry to be thick but what am I doing wrong.


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Does it say 'Logged in as Delboy' at the top of the page (above the FAQs)

When you are logged in it should say

Control Panel|Recent Topics |Active Topics | Popular Topics

Control Panel is in bold type.

If not, press the 'reply to post' buton and that should make it visible.

Bon Chance

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Thanks Gay for your attempt at helping me but I am not much further forward.

I did what you said but the only effect that has is to enable me to post a reply to my own question on "change password".

Maybe it needs to be spelt out in much the same way as I say to locals when I attempt to converse with them that if you speak in baby talk I can understand it.

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Press reply.....look for your name 'Logged in as Weedon'

What is to the right of your name ?

If the first thing isn't 'Control Panel' try

a) clear your cache

b) adjust your settings - 'Tools: internet options... : General,

look for temporary internet files and click settings and change your setting

to 'Check for newer versions of the page every time you visit'.

You think you have problems ? I bet you have smileys and pos script options? I don't :-(

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Sorry Gay, I'm sober now, but I'm with ? (previous poster to your last post - No poster names are displayed on my screen!) - I still only see 'Active/Popular Topics' in the yellow bars, both at the top of the 'read posts' screen and at the 'post reply' screen.  Yes, it does say 'logged in as Delboy (logout)', but nothing else.

I've changed the 'Check for newer versions' parameter as suggested, but how can I clear the cache.  Help came up with 'no topics' when I entered 'cache'.

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[quote]Will had to tell me...if you have never done it it might take a while to clear:To clear cache, go to Tools in Internet Explorer, then Internet Options, then delete temporary files. That should clear t...[/quote]

That was based on Internet Explorer 6 French language version - which for some reason known only to Microsoft sems to have totally different options from the English one, though I think the principle should still apply.

Gay - about your smileys (and to anybody else who can't see the clickable smileys to the right of the box where you type your messages). In your control panel/forum settings is 'All Options' selected? If any of the other boxes are checked, you won't get the full range of features (including 'emoticons', aka smileys).

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good evening all

I am having similar problems, cannot see posters name in box on left nor can I see Control panel but I can see the smiley's as I type this message

Have tried suggestions of clearing temp files and internet settings to check for new version of page every time I access it but still no control panel or posters name. Help please.


ps I am using IE ver 6

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Well I think I see what the problem is, or at least in my case.  I could see no names or control panel either until I switched off ad blocking in my firewall.  Is there nothing that can be done about that?  I don't want to have to keep switching it on and off.

It's still like wading through treacle when I go from post to post.

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