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I've been a frequent visitor to the LF forum over the past 2 years and find much of the information very helpful.

I am intrigued by the warnings about "unsolicited advertising" not being tolerated.

Many postings contain the posters website address - which is a form of advertising. One click and you are onto their website. It must be effective too since the members concerned post frequently. Unsurprising.

Doubtless many other forum members might like to promote their business or whatever, and lack the expertise to create/manage a website or would like to use other promotional means.

This certainly seems unfair. Or does it come under the heading of "solicited" advertising.

Perhaps the Forum Administrator might like to comment on this anomaly.

Many thanks



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Crikey JR, if you have been looking in for 2 years you must have seen the furore that went on about signatures?

It was settled after much debate, heated at times but I think was settled very well in the end but yes, lately a few "newbies" are taking advantage of the forum to slip in some crafty free advertising.

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