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Posts reduced???


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[quote]You have reduced mynumber of posts in teh changeover, from nearly 500 to 157? Not that I am competitive about things like that..... I just wondered why??[/quote]

Your'e worried !

I should have been a "Fanatic" (or is it a contender, I can never remember Brando's immortal words ) like Pucette and am just any old Senior member now, even SB is only a mere Senior but Dick isn't though


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I think the old post count included postings that had dropped off the main forums into the archives. Unfortunately it was not possible to transfer archived posts as well, so that may explain why fewer postings are shown against older-established users' names.

Keep going Miki - it won't take you long to become a fanatic at this rate

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[quote]I think the old post count included postings that had dropped off the main forums into the archives. Unfortunately it was not possible to transfer archived posts as well, so that may explain why fewer...[/quote]

The "quote" system is a bit odd, as the quote does not appear until you "preview"..........

Also, <C/R> is a double line space (as in new para), which also seems a little strange....

Anyway back to my original point; The loss of the archives is a huge shame, as there is some very useful information in them, which is only going to be repeated. Is there no way that LF could (say) run the old archives, on the old s/w, in parallel, as R/O? Or can I have a copy?


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I've just noticed that the last posting to the thread is displayed at the bottom of the add message page.... Mark you, even in 1280x1024 res, it is off the bottom of the screen.

Also, why are the graphics so illegible? (add post, etc.) Blue/grey on grey in that odd, blocky font so that even at 640x480 on my 19" TFT the ADD reads as RDD....

Also, when I leave the front page for any length of time, I am logged out (logging back in seems only to be a matter of pressing "login"), this also happens when I refresh. This is obviously a security "feature". Can I turn it off, as it is very irritating - refreshing the page should highlight any new messages, if I am not logged off......

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Nick - I suggested the same thing regarding the archives. (And I also commented on the illegibility of the buttons, as I recall).

Apparently the whole of the LF site is now on a different server, which works differently and the old forum and home page is not compatible with the new system. I believe it is corporate policy of the publisher to have standard software etc across all titles' web sites and this is why the whole thing had to change. Unfortunately the old forum can no longer be linked to or accessed.

In fact the 'official' forum offered looked totally unsuitable (as I remember it, when I saw a demo, it worked very much like the forum at France magazine and the French property forum at  http://www.frenchentree.com) and our James had to push very hard to get something that would be more acceptable to our users. Few, if any, of those we suggested were thought by the powers that be's IT gurus to be compatible, and that is why we have this software. I think it's a considerable improvement on the old forum, but it has some oddities, and it's far from bug-free - as we have discovered over the last few days.

I think that being able to see the previous post is a big improvement over the old system, but other forum software, such as that we use at our Normandy site, displays several previous postings.

I believe there is a time-out built into the forum software, after which you have to log back in (and which also seems to mean that you get asked to log in at the start of the session, even though you don't have to enter your e-mail and password if the relevant tick box is checked). I'm afraid I don't know whether, and how easily, this can be altered - I'm sure that if it can, it can't be individually changed by the user. 

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[quote]You have reduced mynumber of posts in teh changeover, from nearly 500 to 157? Not that I am competitive about things like that..... I just wondered why??[/quote]

My score of posts is also much reduced. This is the third time I have had to reregister, this time because I have changed my ISP and have consequently not received the new password. I shall now have the indignity of being called a 'newbie'

Tant pis



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[quote]I'm doing my best to be a senior, or even a senor - this is the second time this has happened to me (pasa doble?). I shall have to resort to posting that I don't know the answers to things or telling ...[/quote]

...........or telling us when the Mrs is away or when peoples are squatting on the Ile D'oleron

They all count Dick and I also think Senor sounds so much better than Senior

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Well I'm not having this!!!  It would appear that Miki has more to say for himself than me - and I used to be 2000 posts ahead of him  So like Dick, I shall just have to start answering anything and everything, just to let you know that I don't know the answer to the question or I have no opinion on the statement
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Huh, at least you lot are all seniors or general forum members. I was never one to post lots and lots, but I had reached about 100, I think. Now I'm a mere junior with just a handful of posts.

Disgruntled Diane :-(

PS. And I can't do smilies (saddies) any more!
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