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Problems with Forum software ?

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There are mentions of problems in several threads, I suggest that if you are having problems you list it in this thread and add what system you are running and what Anti Virus or Firewall you have:

No smilies

No Script options

Connection - ASDL

Running IE6

Windows ME

Firewall - Zone Alarm

Anti Virus - AVG

We know there are problems with the search facility and the spell checker so there is no need to post if they are your only forum problems

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Running Windows 2000 and IE6, on ADSL, with Norton Personal Firewall 2003.

I cannot see Control Panel.

I cannot see posters names.

I cannot view posts since last visit because I cannot see the Recent Posts option.

I keep losing all the "gold stars" showing me which posts are unread.

I can see smilies.

It is painfully slow.

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Running Windows XP

Norton Firewall

ETrust EZ antivirus (just changed from Norton which had same problem.

I disabled my firewall to see if it made any difference.  Instead of 'Done' at the bottom, it said:

'Done with errors on page'

When I checked for details it said:

Line 183


Error: object expected


URL: http//www.livingfrance.com/instantformat/shwmessage.asap?

       ForumD:MessegeD 34512

 Now, I'm not exactly computer literate so it doesn't mean a lot to me. Does it explain all to anyone else?

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Yep, same problems as us - XP and IE6 and Norton Firewall, even it is disabled.  Think it is Java related - if you dont have pure MS and you have other foreign plug-ins - then we will have problems. Think big problems exist is with cookies too in IE6.

Hope this helps the techies because honestly I have spent too long on this already.

FA let me know if we can run some test.


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Windows XP SP2
Zone Alarm Firewall
Microsoft Keyboard

Like a lot of people, suffering from slow speed when accessing pages on this site.
If a topic covers more than one page then clicking on the NEXT button does nothing at all - I have to go back to the index where the
topic is listed and click on the page number there.

When doing a search, if the results list covers more than one page, then the next button will not take me to the second page.

I know that I have subscribed to at least one topic this week but this does not appear as a listing in Forum Subscriptions in Control Panel - and yes I did receive the email notification to say that the topic had been updated.

Now this is were the keyboard comes into play. For some reason the standard delete button on my keyboard has ceased to work whilst composing this reply. I have to go beyond the letter/word I wish to delete and use the backspace button. I do not know if this is a forum software related issue or a hardware clash.


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I have now managed to resolve the issue regarding paging through topics - my beloved firewall was to blame.

So ZoneAlarm Pro  has been give the order of the boot and the Kerio Personal Firewall installed instead

This move has also cured the delete button malaise on my keyboard -

David H


PS - the forum software works better as well because of this move!!!!

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