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Russian Hostages


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I am sat here watching the news with tears streaming down my face.  I find it so hard to believe that anyone can inflict this suffering on a single child let alone a whole school full of children from toddlers to teenagers.  My heart and thoughts are with the children and families in Russia.  May we find  a way to come together in this world and work for the greater good.  Hoping for too much do you think?  I hope not!  If we continue the way we are going I don't think the human race can look forward to any kind of future.  What in all our God's names do we think we can acheive with this kind of behaviour.  It resolves nothing. 

Sara (50)

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It is horrible isn't it. A Russian interviewed who had been in the Moscow hostage takining said that the people had been so dispassionate. It's hard to imagine that. They are ruthless people yet with no sort of feelings. Are they really doing it for some idealist idea about their own country? What do they really think they will achieve by this horrible way of dealing with things. It's hard to believe they have any feelings even for their own country/region. Whilst people may fight to protect their own, attacking others in this way comes from completely different sentiments, which surely cannot be really sane or balanced. If people really cared they would not go about things in this way. There has to be other ways apart from attacking innocents.
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I can only believe that when people have been brutalised, then they become brutal. They become dehumanised and just don't think in the way the rest of us do. It is no excuse, this is the most awful situation. To be in the shoes of those trying to defuse this situation. To be a parent. It is just beyond words.

Russia has committed atrocities in that region. The UK government has been frequently critical of their tactics. Again, it does not justify this action, we can all see that. The point is that we can see it because we have not suffered the atrocities.

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[quote]And did anyone see that way way left left-winger Vanessa Redgrave trying to justify this attack on innocent children? She was on Sky News and made me sick to my stomach! Martyn[/quote]

I think what Vanessa Redgrave said was 'please do not judge all Chechens by what we have just seen' This is difficult to do seeing everything unfold so graphically.
This is not meant to diminish the awful events off the past couple of days, which are just incomprehensible and very depressing !
This needs to be seen as a repercussion of Russian politics and not linked to Iraq/Palestine etc and will carry on till Russia deals with it. (the Black widows and the two aircraft  on Tuesday and the school today....where will this end???)
There were a number of women among the hostage takers.
70% of women in Chechnya have lost a close male relative!!!
I would like to re-iterate that I am absolutley NOT supporting violence as a means to publicise your situation, however when you are born into war, grow up in a war situation - you perhaps have a reduced value of life???
It is difficult for most of us to imagine how people live in large parts of the world when our main worry is whether our Fosse Septique will overflow or whether our tax bill will 'blow us away' or any other daily worry.
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I see from today's news that there are 322 confirmed killed and 750 in hospital, not all of whom will survive, many being gravely injured. There are still bodies in the school and identification is impossible so many parents still don't know the fate of their children.

This is about as bad as it can get, and no amount of complaining about Putin's hard line in Chechnya is justified - he didn't kill anyone, the terrorists did that. Once we start to look for justifications for these appalling atrocities we are beginning to accept them. It doesn't matter that a black widow has lost a relative - that gives her no right to take someone else's.

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[quote]I see from today's news that there are 322 confirmed killed and 750 in hospital, not all of whom will survive, many being gravely injured. There are still bodies in the school and identification is im...[/quote]


I find myself agreeing with you. (Now there's a first).  I know the Bible says "An eye for an eye", but it also says "Thou shalt not kill".  I dont know what the Koran says, but I bet it's not, "lets kill kids".  Killing someone else's children will not being back your own, and I am willing to bet it doesn't make them feel any better either.

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[quote]I think what Vanessa Redgrave said was 'please do not judge all Chechens by what we have just seen' This is difficult to do seeing everything unfold so graphically. This is not meant to diminish the ...[/quote]

What ever Ms Regrave said or did not say these events should not have taken place. As it was pointed out to me today lots of people have lost relatives in wars and genocides but they have not taken the law into their own hands and murdered children

How are the surviving children going to come to terms with these events. Perhaps Ms Redgrave should visit the area and then be interviewed again.

best not broadcast the Sky or ITV interview there first tho'


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I thought Redgrave was drunk or on drugs. She didn't do her cause any good with that interview. Horrific scenes and truely appauling. It certainly puts into perspective a bad week at work. With the troubles over muslim headscarfs at school last week who knows if Paris could be the next target for such shocking violence. The world has gone stark raving mad.

I actually found the events at Baslan more awful than New York 9/11. Deepest symapthy to all! 


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The chilling fact is that the fanatics who carry out these acts whether in Russia, Iraq or World Trade Centre show as much compassion to human life as when the rest of us squash a fly.

The rest of the civilised world sadly will  always be one step behind in dealing with these cruel and inhumane specimens.


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