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I hope somebody can guide me through this problem. Whenever I enter this site I go to "Posts since last visit" If I decide to post a reply before looking at them all and after posting try to go back to view the remainder, I find I have lost all the posts and am now  only shown the posts since writing my response. I have tried many different ways including using the back key to solve the problem.

I know someone will say read all the topic before posting but this is not really the answer.


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Baz, you're a life saver - you've confirmed my sanity. I've mentioned to the rest of the admin/mod team that the 'recent postings' doesn't work properly for me but it seems just about everybody else finds it's OK. Although I can't help by saying why it behaves this way, or what to do to get round it, I'd be very interested to hear if other users have a solution - or, indeed, have a problem?
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[quote]I hope somebody can guide me through this problem. Whenever I enter this site I go to "Posts since last visit" If I decide to post a reply before looking at them all and after posting try to go back t...[/quote]

I've mentioned that problem more than once since we got the new forum. Every time you post, the system thinks you are making a new visit to the forum. Asking for posts since your last visit only works if you don't post.

Thank goodness a few more have noticed this!

Incidentally, was it you, Will, that said that the reason this forum had been chosen was because it fitted in with Archant's server - well, has it crossed anyone's mind that their server might be the problem? Perhaps they need a new server, and donc they might have a better choice of forum!???!
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