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No more mosquito bites ?


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Every time I visit France in late summer I get eaten alive by mosquitos , then quite by chance I read an article about the benefits of thiamin , one of the effects of this vitamin is , that insects find it repulsive (excreted through the pores ), anyway to cut a long story short , I started to take one a day , a couple of weeks before visiting France , my husband was bitten every night ( by mozzies ! ) but not a single one came near me .

Thought this may be of interest to other sufferers.

Regards, Jude

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Now I was going to write that it did not work for me and so I stopped taking it BUT I am suddenly covered in nasty red lumps where I spent most of the year with just one or two at most - so it might just work, trouble is that I have no idea where the dratted things are as they are staining/varnishing the floor of the living quarters and I know that they are not in the caravan as a thimble would be obvious in all 12 foot of it.

Hmm, thanks for answering the question as to why I am being eaten alive.

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