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Following on from Dick Smiths Xmas present


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I read Dick Smiths topic on sending a goat to a Bangladeshi farmer for christmas and immediately thought what a great idea. Then came the realities of trying to wrap the animal in christmas paper and sticking the sellotape on it which then got me thinking about another topic on the forum of being nice to each and the other one about Fox Hunting, who cares. Bear with me for a moment because I am getting to my point which is.....what do the rest of you think about a Living France Forum Fund.  If every one of us was to give say...10€, and now coming up to the christmas period would be a good time, that could make a little difference to some good charity.

As far as how it would be collected I haven't really got any other intelligent suggestion other than perhaps the magazine might be the custodians of it, I appreciate it would be a bit of work for them but I expect they could get some publicity on the back of it because if enough of us contributed it might be a tidy sum.

How much to contribute, who would collect it, how it should be dished out and any other important issues could perhaps be expanded on by you lot.  I only suggest it because I feel that I should give more to others less fortunate and could be something to unite enough of us for once a year and then we can slag each other off again in the new year.

What do others think?



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What, you mean we all we come out of the Trenches on Xmas Day, have a game of togger, have a laugh and offer smokes, then back to the trenches and orf we jolly well go again, wiv a few rowdy banters

As far as giving money for good causes, we have always seen that as private and no hoo-ha, no time really for "the look what we gave brigade" (although I'm sure that is not where your thoughts came from) where it comes from is of no consequence. Giving money is always a good idea but I don't really see any real benefit in a forum collection, sorry. I suspect, knowing some of the good folk on here, you would receive a few bob though.

Weedon, if you feel you should give more to charity, why not give it annually, many charities will accept weekly, monthly or as I said, even annual payments.



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