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Thankyou and Goodbye


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Our time has come to say goodbye to France (on a residential level at least). We have been here for a year and have astablished a successful business in that time which is going from strength to strength. However my wife feels that France is just not the place for her long term and so we go back to England. She has become very unhappy in fact.

I would stay! BUT my family is the most important thing in the world. The better half was brave enough to follow my desire to try life here and so I shall be brave enough to give it all up and follow her back.

NOT a year wasted I must quickly point out. People come here for many varied reasons. We did all the research one could and set off on the adventure. Above all else we have spent so much time together in the last year that we truely have found ourselves as a family and have found that we will be happy together until death us do part where ever we are.

I have learned so much from being here that I could go on forever in this post. I guess the moral of this story is not one of failure. We have not failed because we are going back. We have succeeded in so much. Any one reading who is planning to move to France, give it go!! Don't regret the things you never did. It is a wonderful country and full of wonderful people. If it is meant to be you will make it so.

I am sure that in the future we will return so for now we say thank you to anyone who helped by giving the advice we needed and of course not goodbye but au revoir!!





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[quote]Our time has come to say goodbye to France (on a residential level at least). We have been here for a year and have astablished a successful business in that time which is going from strength to stren...[/quote]

Whilst wishing you all the best, is it possible you could share with us the reasons why she has become so unhappy with France particularly.  Have you tried other areas of France? 


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This does happen and it is not failure of any type. Many people come here with the notion they will settle but once reality sets in, they find it so different to what they were expecting and can't settle down,meaning a yearning to go back to their roots. I had an english friend here who is very sociable and likes going out but, here, she was esconced in a tiny cottage in the middle of nowhere with no neighbours,no job and nowhere to go and it drove her mad. After nearly two years here she went back and her husband came over for the summer months. She has never looked back and has a full time job,good holidays and security. I wish you all the best and hope your "french time" gave you some enjoyment.
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Thank you; like Georgina I wish you had had time to "go on forever" and tell us what your wife can't bear... since finding the forum I've become intrigued by the comings and goings of what my neighbours call my "concitoyens"... what makes people come, stay or leave... flogging a dead horse is failure, moving on to pastures new isn't... do hope you'll find time to let the forum know how you settle back as such postings are a rarity - I can't remember a single one.
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Sorry that it hasn't worked out and it seems such a shame as you haven't been in France for long.

The few couples I know where one partner wasn't as keen as the other to move permanently have all returned to the UK but, some have made compromises! One couple sold up but rented (a tiny cottage for three years) so that the partner, who adores France, can spend time here.

Another couple did similar, only downgraded to a small ruin, where hubby comes and renovates for a few of weeks at a time. His wife even flies out and visits.

The other family we know, well it was very sad as they moved out to tiny commune with three  teenage children and the children couldn't stand it (not surprising) so, after spending all the money on quad bikes and other toys for the kids, they  moved back after a year to Sheffield.

We too have had hiccups, nothing to prompt us returning to the UK, but I can see that it could get depressing, especially if you are struggling with the language, the beaurocracy, much smaller incomes, lack of familiar social life, education, and yes, acres of unmanageable land !!

Anyway, best wishes and good luck..........helen


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