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[quote]Visit this website and all will be explained:http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/10/06/chavscum/[/quote]

Aaahhhh... I begin to understand. Basically anyone who has either:

A) Ever appeared in "OK" Magazine, or;

B) Followed the fashion / lifestyle tips of anyone who has ever appeared in "OK" Magazine.

Thanks for the link.
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[quote]On fashion. I have never seen a button down collar in a French shop and why the CERTAIN British people think it is O.K. to wear a tie with one. Long Live Richard James[/quote]

I see nothing but button downs here, sadly 99% of them are of a fairly dire quality.. Anyway, nothing wrong with wearing a tie with a button-down shirt, as long as it doesnt exceed 1 and 1/2 inches in width. Knitted ties are of course preferable.
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[quote]I see nothing but button downs here, sadly 99% of them are of a fairly dire quality.. Anyway, nothing wrong with wearing a tie with a button-down shirt, as long as it doesnt exceed 1 and 1/2 inches in...[/quote]

OOoooOooh!! You men have rules for ties????

And Time, both T.M.Lewin and Charles Tyrwhitt have shops on Jermyn Street... So if I suggest you buy clothes from these establishments, you do, in effect, get your shirts from Jermyn Street, right? What I meant was, you don't physically shop there, you use the web.. get it? Humpf.

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It is fortunate to be able to actually shop, I on the other hand, must make do with internet commerce... but, oh! to be able to wander down a few certain streets in W1, lingering for a bit in Waterstones, doing a big shop at Fortnum and Mason, get a pullman at Wiltons for lunch then head up Duke Street... hang on! I'm homesick for London now!
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Miki  Both the Ivy shop in Richmond and the shop in Brewer Street were run by the same bloke I think - the infamous John Simmons.. The shop in Brewer street still exists to my knowledge.


I dont know if the John you mention is the same one that we all knew but the chap who run the Ivy shop in Richmond for decades (just a few doors up from the L'Auberge coffee house) was affectionately known by us all as "Ivy John", not very original but......

Anyway, some years ago now, on a return trip to the UK for a stag night and wedding, we were all in Richmond on the Friday evening and arriving by train (a trip down memory lane, so we went to Richmond by our old preferred method of transport !) we went straight in to the pub opposite (then called the Bull & Bush, ex Station hotel ....Rolling Stones, Yardbirds etc) and lo and behold, there was John sitting at the bar in his usual quiet way, until we descended on him that is !! He then told me, that sadly the Ivy was closing and he would now be travelling to Guildford to the same kind of shop.

By the time we left him, he had invited us down to the shop the following morning to see what was left as it was all being sold off. Some of us went to the shop and personally, I bought a crew neck, a couple of casual shirts and a pair of shoes, boy did it bring back a few memories buying in that little shop and at only a third of the retail price it felt pretty good as well !!



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It's Definatly the same guy Miki, he now has a shop in Russell Street, just round the back of Covent Garden - selling pretty much exactly the same thing as he did in Richmond. I've not met him, as the few times I've been into the shop, he's been elsewhere, but to my knowledge he still runs it.

He now has a website telling his story, as well as doing mail-order..

Anyway his website is http://j.simons.mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/index.jhtml

You might also want to have a look at www.modculture.co.uk and www.uppers.org - both of which are a mine of information on the current mod scene.

Belinda > I don't however get to shop there too often - I am vaugley planning to move back in the not too dim & distant future however!

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It's Definatly the same guy Miki, he now has a shop in Russell Street, just round the back of Covent Garden - selling pretty much exactly the same thing as he did in Richmond. I've not met him, as the few times I've been into the shop, he's been elsewhere, but to my knowledge he still runs it.


You are THE MAN !

Absolutely brilliant, you bet yer sweet bippy, that's John alright. The photo with him and that sheepskin are etched in my memory for ever, same coat as we all had. Talk about peas from the same pod ! In the early days, he either wore that in winter or other times a nice crewneck and always with loafers

The nubuck (or saddle buck) were the ones I bought that day, incroyable ! You truly have blown me away today.

I got on the phone almost immediately to London, where old friends, Stuart & Philip have a place in Covent Garden and did they laugh, "yes we know, he has a shop just around the corner" !!

He evens mentions L'Auberge and even Jeff at Richmond.

Village Gate and Squires, a day out up west, to see what the old sod had new in his shops, first time I ever saw a Harrington up close was in Squires and he did me a deal to pick one up in Richmond a week later and paid for over 2 weeks.

The other site I knew but not the uppers.org, I will pass it on to the friend who is scripting the mod years from a girls angle. I tell you, only Jimmy Greaves coming through the door tonight, would top you offering me that URL for John.



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Glad I could be of help Miki!

You might also want to check out www.modrevival.net, which has a pretty good forum (not as good as modcultures though) www.dnagroove.it (Italian clothes maker/shop - loverly button downs) and drop Claudia Elliot an email (scenenews@hotmail.com) she might be able to help your freind out, she's very sussed & very pleasent - she writes a newsletter called Scene 64.

My own personal favorite website for general links & club-night news etc is Paul Secular's London Dossier (www.londondossier.com)

hope you get some kicks out of that lot!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry if its been up before. Delete it if it has.

1.What do you call a Chav in a box?


2. What do you call a Chav in a filing cabinet?


3. What do you call a Chav in a box with a lock on it?


4. What do you call an Eskimo Chav?


5. Why are Chavs like slinkies?

They have no real use but it's great to watch one fall down a flight ofstairs.

6. What do you call a Chavette in a white tracksuit?

The bride.

7. If you see a Chav on a bike, why should you try not to hit him?

It might be your bike.

8. What's the difference between a Chav and a******onut?

One's thick and hairy, the other's a******onut.

9. What's the first question at a Chav quiz night?

What you lookin' at?"

10. How do you get 100 Chavs into a phone box?

Paint three stripes on it.

11. 2 Chavs in a car without any music. Who's driving?

The police.

12. Where do you take a Chavette for a decent night out?

Up the gary!

A chav walks into the local job centre, marches straight up to the counter and said "Hi, I'm looking for a job".

The man behind the counter replies "Your timing is amazing. We've

just got one in from a very wealthy man who wants a chauffeur/bodyguard for his nymphomaniac twin daughters. You'll have to drive around in a big black Mercedes and wear the uniform provided. The hours are a bit long but the meals are provided. You also have to escort the young ladies on their overseas holidays. The Salary package is £200,000 a year ". The chav says "You're having me on!"

The man behind the counter says "Well you started it!"


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