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Me and my wife have bought a house on the edge of a seven acre plot and plan to farm the land in some way. I am happy with the house for now but in the future would like to build a house in the midle of the land. Has anyone any advice or experiences of applying for the change of land use. Any info would be really helpful.

We haven't moved to france yet and won't till 2007 but will approach the Marie next time we are there. Is there laws regarding this. Our friends seem to think this is a no go if the land is deemed as 'Agricultural'.

Thanks for any help.


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A visit to the Mairie is what you need. Ask what the zoning of your land is, and that will tell you your chance of being able to build. If its far from the village it is probably not zoned for construction, hence unless you have a sound agricultural reason for building you are unlikely to succeeed.
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Attitudes vary enormously between communes in my part of 24; in some nothing has ever been turned down including the sort of development you are hoping for, in others nothing gets through without a struggle and what you are suggesting would never get through.

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As one might expect in the land of egalité there is one law for farmers and another for everyone else.

Farmers (ie someone who pays health insurance via the Caisse Agricole) can build on any land they own, no matter how it is zoned, if the house is for their own use. This is subject to a few simple conditions relating to the area of land, the type of farmer they are (cereals, vines, cattle etc.). They can normally only do this once and they must live in the house for quite a long time before selling it. Even so, around this way this amounts to a gift to each farmer of about 150,000€, that being the difference between the value of 2000m of agricultural land and the value of a 2000m building plot.

Just another example of French social injustice, I'm afraid. There are occasional mutterings in the government of having this blatant inequality removed but I'm not holding my breath waiting for any French government to do anything that might annoy farmers.

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  • 1 month later...

Excuse the late post, but have been on holiday.

Thanks for the help everybody who supplied information, especially Mazan who seems to know a lot about the subject. For those who just gave their opinions ... hmmm...

I will be farming the land, hence the reason I bought so much of it, so i will look into what my entitlements are as a farmer...

Thanks again. All the best.



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