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Blunkett resigns


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 have no "political stance" and it is foolish of you to suppose that you have any knowledge of me and what I do, and why.

But and this is the the great part Mazan, you know nothing about the personal lives of Mr Blunkett or Mr Prescott, only what the gutter press offer you but that is enough to get pathetically personal.

As has been said on this thread, do try to back up your facts with proof of all your remarks, thuggery etc. The sure thing is, if some idiot close by threw an object at me, the first reaction is to clobber the chap back. John Prescott is from working class, left school at 15 and sorry not from a public school background, more power to his elbow to rise to second in charge. Whether you like him or not is not the question but what is, is why so derogatory and personal for two people you have not a clue about? And you call it non political...........watch out there's another one.........................

I do plan ahead though, whenever possible.

Plan to be back in the summertime, it is so pleasant in England's green and pleasant land, who ever is in Government.


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All this has very little to do with living in france,but the topic is still live,so DB is a right wing thug is he,who ordered 4 west yorkshire plain clothes coppers to arrest the leader of a political party and to spend 10 hours a day (all 4 of them)for 4/5 weeks at least going through one sided broadcasts from the bbc and to pay for the police to travel down to wales and back again and then let leader of said political party go free with out a charge,DB.Maybe now we will see what a true policed state will look like UK style with this new marxist home sec.
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If the former President of the People's Democratic Republic of Sheffield is reselected to stand for Labour at the next election he will get in. Most UK voters go by colour of ticket rather than qualities (stet) of the individuals standing.

Sorry that is not always true of someone who resigns. Those that resign or of course get pushed, can be from safe seats and you have just been shown what the electorate often thinks of those cases.

As an aside both Cook and Blunkett seem to me (a mere male) to be particularly unattractive but is it something about power or what ?

Oh come on, now you really are being pathetic.

Appearance in Westminster is limited to soundbite opportunities e.g. PMQ time now at noon on Wednesdays I believe - so timed to catch the lunchtime news perhaps ?

It was thought that one half hour would be far better than 2 short PMQ’s. Getting facts straight is so much better than a guess.

So we are supposed to respect and think nothing is wrong in a man who not only cuckolds another man and gets his wife pregnant, he then goes on to do it all over again. Shows that he has very little moral value. He also uses his position to get a nanny one or two visas, how many British men have wives that they love and want to have with them in the UK but cannot because the Home office will not play ball, obviously the common man cannot love the way that a minister can.

Human behaviour doesn’t stop at political life. Love and two to tango are as best it can be described. Sorry Di you are taking horrible cheap jibes at someone, who maybe mistakenly or otherwise, thought he was doing a good job, he cannot be responsible for every male or marital case in the UK

Take goodly Mr Bliar and his wife - the first lady, they will not tell if their youngest has had a vaccination which could be the cause (note I only said could) of major illness in children.

Could is not much of a reason to have another cheap jibe at the PM. We had the kids jabs carried out on the recommendation of the medical council, not a PM.

Are we all so rotten to the core that we no longer expect those that tax us, send our young people to war - perhaps to be killed, that make the rules to protect us, should be honest - or almost honest at least, or is 'rotten to the core' now to be viewed as normal in the UK.

You are getting carried away a bit now. The return to family moral values, the tried and trusted Tory slogan, normally given by one who is having it off with his secretary.

 Where is the proof that the UK government is rotten to the core? Don’t you think the UK’s beloved Sun newspaper would have a little more than all this drivel on the front page ?

We get the government we deserve...

I believe you live in the Lot,  so I’ll answer that by saying that yes, Chirac is a bloody thief to the core, and in this case, it is well proven !

I don't know enough about the French to say how they would behave, but from what I know, they keep private, private.

You are right you don’t know enough, private my a*** as Mr Royle would say..

Personally I think he got everything he deserved, I feel very sorry for his children, however many it may turn out he has.

Personally I don’t think you have understood too much about the case and perhaps I as well and so I suppose we must all wait for more info but where you will get it from in France, well…………………


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Outcast - what are you talking about?

Ah - the penny has dropped - the 'political party' you are so excited about is the BNP - the real right-wing racist thugs, neo-fascists outed by the BBC. So you're on their side, are you? Nice. The chief thug hasn't been released without charge, he's been released on police bail, not quite the same thing.

Details at

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"he is an incoherent thug (this is on record)"

"Blunkett is a vindictive and hypoctitical creep, "Two jags" Prescott is just an incoherent thug.....

I am neither vindictive, nor hypocritical nor incoherent nor a thug. All I did was give my opinion of them and most if not all of it can be backed up by recorded fact."

Can you point me to the recorded facts that illustrate the truth of what you say? Which record are you referring to? Do you mean Hansard's? Does an incoherent man get to the place in public life that Prescott has reached (pace George W.)?

It seems to me that half the people on this thread are slinging insults without justification. A sort of hysteria has taken over and this is what happens when one party rules for a long time and the other hasn't a chance of getting in.

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Can you point me to the recorded facts that illustrate the truth of what you say? Which record are you referring to? Do you mean Hansard's?

I can't believe there is anyone here who hasn't seen the videotape of Prescott repeatedly punching the chap who (gasp!) threw an egg at him in public. The man is a thug.

I also can't believe that anyone hasn't heard Prescott repeatedly fail to string 10 words together and make a sentence. The man spouts incoherent and rambling nonsense at every turn.

Does an incoherent man get to the place in public life that Prescott has reached (pace George W.)?

I rest my case.
That said, Bush is not just incoherent but also dangerous. He does manage to avoid attacking people in public though. I suppose he gets the Secret Service to do it for him later.

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[quote]I have little time for aforementioned Mr Blunkett and his various shenanigans, but I hardly think a married woman who gets pregnant by a man who is not her husband is whiter than white - or have I mis...[/quote]

I was not discussing her, I was discussing him. I don't think I could write what I feel about her bahaviour, you would just get a line of asterisks.

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So you are saying that because JP is a public figure he has no right to defend himself against an assault? If someone hit you with an egg (he didn't throw it) you'd take it as a little bit of a jape, a laugh and a joke, invite the chap down the pub for a drink? I should******oa. You punch a big merchant seaman ex-boxer in the face you get one back, doesn't seem too tricky to understand. Or are we back in your realm of 'It was just a joke' - the cry of the bully through the ages.

"I also can't believe that anyone hasn't heard Prescott repeatedly fail to string 10 words together and make a sentence". Well, actually you didn't do so well there yourself, did you? Easy to fall from a state of perfection.

Actually he is reasonably coherent apart from some malapropisms, he just isn't saying things that you like. To quote Tony Blair, "No prime minister, no party leader, could have a better deputy than John Prescott. You know why the Tories hate him: because he started out as a seaman, steward on a ship, rose to be deputy prime minister and has never hidden or been anything other than totally proud of where he came from." Blunkett was pretty true to his working-class origins as well.

Is that your problem?
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Forgive me if I'm incorrect about the facts, but doesn't Kimberly Quinn work for a right wing publication, the Spectator, no less, and Blunkett is/was a member of a supposedly left of centre government.

Surely their most obvious misdemeanour, putting aside marital infidelities and irresponsible pregnancies and all that is sleeping with the enemy. 

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Again your lack of knowledge of the system you rail against lets you down. .... the Jags in question are not official cars, they are his own property, and he drives them himself

I'll take your word for it as it makes no difference at all to him being incoherent and a thug. And anyone with two Jags is antisocial, no matter who pays for them.

Of course if you have a petrol-guzzling car (as I do) then you pay extra tax, which seems to be a fair arrangement.

No, you don't pay anywhere near enough. You should be made to pay so much that you have to scrap the car, to the benefit of the planet. And this should be applied as a large car ownership tax not as a petrol tax, in order not to penalise those who actually need to use fuel. I would like to see electricity costing about 10 times what it does also, above a certain level that covers reasonable use. Perhaps then people would turn lights off when not needed. Another cost that I would multiply by 10 is the cost of waste disposal. I would also tax product packaging of supermarket goods. I'm pleased to see that the Germans are moving in this direction. The French, of course, are at the tail end of Europe for such measures but they are a selfish lot with no regard for others.

£10,000 a year road tax? Tell me, is the weather nice on your planet?

Not bad, but it would be such a nicer planet if it wasn't so horribly polluted and crowded with noxious, noisy and pointless cars (largely driven by noxious, noisy and pointless people). Much pollution, not to mention the squandering of limited natural resources, is directly caused by those with unnecessarily large cars. There is no excuse for this and they should be stopped for the menaces that they are.
I do realise that you aren't alone. You share the shame with 250 million Americans, Jeremy Clarkson and cretins in 4WD vehicles, to name only them.

"Jeremy Clarkson". Now there's an insult if ever there was one. I'd rather be called a racist bigot.

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"I also can't believe that anyone hasn't heard Prescott repeatedly fail to string 10 words together and make a sentence". Well, actually you didn't do so well there yourself, did you? Easy to fall from a state of perfection.

Are you having the same difficulty with that as you had with the French being a nation and not a race? You were wrong then too.

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When you "walked" away from the forum, I think it was about the new moderators ? I thought the forum might miss you. How wrong I was, well at least from my point of view, you have shown yourself to be no more than a generalist bigot.

Everything and everyone is wrong, the world and how it operates is totally wrong. It seems now that only  Mazan knows the way forward and it seems that you are now wallowing away as a sad old grumpy git. The reason, well who knows but the rhyme and reason you once had, has disappeared totally.

It is impossible to answer to your retorts, they are purely ramblings of detest at anything and nonsensical at that. Sorry but that is how I have seen the returned Mazan.


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What I like about both Blunkett and Prescott is their uncompromising, take-me-as-I-am honesty. Tony Blair gets criticised for telling people what they want to hear. You couldn't say that about these two. I thought that Prescott hitting that egg-chucker was magnificent. If you think it was an example of thuggery, you are in a minority - if you were in the majority he would have had to resign over it.

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What are you ON? of course the French are a nation and not a race - you are just rambling out loud now. You are making yourself sound silly.

If you are going to play the primary school teacher with me then try and get your facts straight.
I pointed out the original poster's error when he said I was making racist comments about the French. You failed to do so; to the point of supporting him.

My phrase that you criticised made perfect sense (at least to anyone who can read English) unlike Prescott's incoherent nonsense.

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Dicky,your at it again,you always think what you post carries more wieght than any other and that you are right and every other posting is wrong,in my opinion that is.Police bail,well does that mean that one has been charged with anything,not normally,chief thug,during a local march by a legal political party in town I used to live in in the UK,guess what the only person charged with assault was the head of the local NUT,a teacher me thinks.What as this got to do with france,nothing,to do with the topic,well the day before DB resigns,a candidate opposing DB in sheffied was arrested,and released and the time spent investigating before the arrest is a scandle and do you think that blunkett did not know."We are all equal just that some are more equal than others".
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When you "walked" away from the forum, I think it was about the new moderators ? 

I don't like moderators and I don't like rules and regulations, that's certainly true. But it wasn't the main reason I got bored with this forum.


I thought the forum might miss you. How wrong I was, well at least from my point of view, you have shown yourself to be no more than a generalist bigot.

The thing I got fed up most with was the endless personal jibes and insults and name-calling, which you have neatly summed up.

Make a comment about a nation (which insults no one at all). Or make one about a public figure who, by becoming a public figure, has fully accepted that people will watch his actions and will comment on him in public. Or comment on some facet of society that doesn't work. Immediately some clown pops out of the woodwork to start making individual and personal attacks or to do a 10p/0.15€ psychological evaluation based on information gleaned from the back of a cornflakes packet. "You're this, you're that, you're the other."
What is it that people can't resist about launching into personal insults? Why can't they just stay on the subject in hand instead of veering off into crude abuse?
This sort of behaviour doesn't interest me at all (though I will defend myself when attacked) but others are welcome to carry on with their silly games if they will. It bores the pants off me and I'd rather do something else.

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Mazan - I'm sure with all your techno knowledge that you have contributed to this forum you are able to receive British TV in France. So do watch 'Have I got News for You' this evening. That can be guaranteed to put this whole sorry business into perspective, just as it did (and will probably continue to do so) with the Boris Johnson affair. And did I read that wrong - were you really saying that Jeremy Clarkson isn't a bigot?

One of John Prescott's Jags was bought from a garage near where we have our UK house. It was far from new, and not too expensive either. But it probably cost a fortune to run. That same second-hand Jag specialist garage had, not all that long before, been done for selling clocked motors; presumably they didn't tell JP about that. Apparently his 'other' Jag was an official Daimler that goes with the job.

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A somewhat different point, I admit, but I'm glad my 'standing' at work has been determined by performance. If it had been judged by my moral achievement, heaven alone knows what would have become of me! [I often wish someone would publish a newspaper about journalists and their personal lives.]

I believe Mr Blunkett is remembered among many of his workmates as a short-tempered and highly opinionated man, given to using intemperate (not to say foul) language. But while that might make enemies, perhaps it's what a Home Secretary needs to get the job done. Who knows?

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Firstly Piprob, very good point

........and I don't like rules and regulations, that's certainly true

Now you are having a  laugh, many rules and regulations make living on this planet possible, without them, what do you have? You sound like I did in the 60's when all I had was a back pack and a few quid, oh how easy it was to see everything in those days, then education and sensibility kicked in........miss those days, sure, but we do need rules of one kind or another to ensure anarchy doesn't become the norm.

The thing I got fed up most with was the endless personal jibes and insults and name-calling, which you have neatly summed up.

You really take the biscuit, since you have returned you have made a point of insulting anyone on here who does not entirely agree with your thinking, even to the point of insulting persons who you have no real idea about.

So if I accuse a nation being a load of racist b******s and that they were all no good smelly thieving louts and were just a bunch of lazy p****s, that's OK ? as no one was insulted, try telling that to a newspaper in that country. For goodness sake, you are digging a bigger hole.

You really are getting weird but sadly, not wonderful. You talk about clowns popping out the woodwork, therefore insulting those people you have no idea about, then go on to feel insulted yourself about those same people judging you by what they read about you, not on cornflake packets though but through your posts on LF, that can tell people much. !!  Irony really is lost on you .....

So, if someone takes public office, we are then full entitled to call him what we like, yes I suppose we can but you are just insulting someone that you simply detest, reasoning is not there it is just boring hysterical ranting. Ah but didn't you say you left the forum due to similar posts? But that was others I guess, this is Mazan and fully entitled to do so then................

What is it that people can't resist about launching into personal insults? Why can't they just stay on the subject in hand instead of veering off into crude abuse?

Why should anyone have to simply stand by and read insulting hysterical remarks then ? What right do you have to be able to offer derogatory remarks and have no remarks made back on the subjcet, personal or not. You have began the insults but then wish to step back from them and tell us we are wrong to comment, you have been extremely insulting and personal in your remarks and cry like a child when anyone has said anything about you, unbelievable................ 

Abuse ? No don't think so, you are only being given opinions and and any comments on you are far less insulting than the text you are throwing out at these persons.

This sort of behaviour doesn't interest me at all (though I will defend myself when attacked) but others are welcome to carry on with their silly games if they will. It bores the pants off me and I'd rather do something else.

Then please do so, I feel you are indeed the bore you detest. Sitting on high pretending that you above all know everything and now wish to call it all silly games, well what a surprise ! That's a bit rich when you consider who was the main instigator of all this. Get off your high horse man, you are now starting to make David Icke seem perfectly sane.



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Miki,your posting are becoming so long winded that they themselves are becoming boring,for some members that is.That said everyone should say what they feel say and then defend it within the forum regs,there are some posters who think that they are above everyone else and that it is only their opinion that matters and try to belittle weaker souls,good it,s great for strong forum that they can be challenged
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Miki,your posting are becoming so long winded that they themselves are becoming boring,for some members that is.That said everyone should say what they feel say and then defend it within the forum regs,there are some posters who think that they are above everyone else and that it is only their opinion that matters and try to belittle weaker souls,good it,s great for strong forum that they can be challengedI,m here in france

Long winded, well it depends on what people want I guess. As much as one would like to, you can't post honestly and please all the people can you.

As you carry on to say yourself, everyone should say what they feel, so you can't have it both ways. I love short posts as well but needs must on occasion and a longer post is then required. Now, I can't be sure but I think I got the gist of your post outie ?



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Will the Conk: Mazan - I'm sure with all your techno knowledge that you have contributed to this forum you are able to receive British TV in France. So do watch 'Have I got News for You' this evening.

That's right, Will, spoil my evening.  Honestly, you Brits, I don't know.    Here I am stuck in the south of France, NO carol singers, NO Salvation Army brass band, and now you remind me that I also have NO techno knowledge, and therefore NO "Have I got news for you".

You should spare a thought for those less fortunate than yourselves.  Talk about rubbing salt in the wound. 

I shall console myself with my Private Eye (fnarr fnarr, who could forget Humph Bogart, that immortal line "I'm a private dick".). 



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I'm sure with all your techno knowledge that you have contributed to this forum you are able to receive British TV in France.

I certainly can. Having to watch French TV would be just too awful to contemplate.

So do watch 'Have I got News for You' this evening.

I never miss it. In fact it is always recorded automatically for me. I do think that it has lost some of its piquancy since Angus Deayton left though. He was witty enough to think of some very funny things to say. His replacements have often tended to be simple autocue readers. And some of them have trouble doing that due to advancing age.

That can be guaranteed to put this whole sorry business into perspective, just as it did (and will probably continue to do so) with the Boris Johnson affair.

Ian Hislop certainly doesn't like Blunket (or Prescott or Kilroy) very much. He doesn't like the French either. One of the funniest ever episodes contained some classic lines about the French.

And did I read that wrong - were you really saying that Jeremy Clarkson isn't a bigot?

No, I was saying that I would rather be called a racist bigot than be likened to Jeremy Clarkson. Wouldn't anyone?

 Apparently his 'other' Jag was an official Daimler that goes with the job.

Ah. I was surprised to have been told that I was completely wrong about that one.

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