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I'm having a bad day...


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Well, the sun is shining in Berkshire today so hope it is for Mrs MDW too.

Halfway through the week so I guess Mrs MDW can pass the remaining time having face packs, pedicure, manicures, aromatherapy, scented long soaks in the bath, indulge, indulge, indulge

Gosh Alexis, I used to be taken to see Father Christmas at Bentalls in Kingston............a very long time ago !

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Croydon? Croydon is the Manhattan of Surrey, a gleaming city of the future, bright with promise and expectation, plus it's got an Ikea. If you can make it in Croydon you'll make it anywhere in east Surrey.

About visiting Father Christmas in Bentall's - go there at Christmas these days and instead of Santa Claus you get an automated band of musical bears belting out carols and Elvis songs on the hour. Children and chavs cram around to watch with eyes glazed, munching on their festive Big Macs, as the switch is flicked and the unlikely troupe launches into another rendition of  'Are you lonesome tonight'. See what I mean about soulless?


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Go on all of you, try to ruin the way how I see my part of the UK. I may have rose coloured glasses of course, now there's a twist for you.... but not for the places I know and visit often, they are still full of life (as well as decent beer and a good crack !)

Mind you, I shall now cross off  Bentalls and will have to go to Carrefour where they haven't go a Papa Noel either !!

Sorry Dick but I can't drag up the fact, of whether The Cardinal was a Fullers house or not. Ring Simon Fuller at Chiswick, he will know !!



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Now you have me on one of my favourite subjects "pubs et al near the Thames" - my old stomping ground.  The Popes Grotto is not in Strawberry hill but Popes Grove which used to be the old telephone exchange for Twickenham where I went to school - Twickenham County Grammar School for Girls - anyone know it/been there too or anyone from the other side Hampton Grammar School for Boys?

What about L'Auberge in Richmond?  Eel Pie Island itself (not the pub), The Barmy Arms in Twickenham. The Bird's Nest, The Bull & Bush and The Orange Tree in Richmond, The White Swan at Twickenham (and York House Gardens which were splendid), The Cabbage Patch (only bearable on rugby internationals).  Also The White Hart at Hampton Wick (had my 21st there and was never sent the bill!!).

Shepperton and Chertsey too e.g. The Ship, The Kings Head (Courage) The Crown (Youngs).

Oh I could go on and on - you can see I had a misspent youth!



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Right,ok forum admin,the forum rules were posted and it was made clear that topics should be french related,this one is for sure now not france related.There are many more reader/posters from the rest of the UK than the south west london mob
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Now you have me on one of my favourite subjects "pubs et al near the Thames" - my old stomping ground.  The Popes Grotto is not in Strawberry hill but Popes Grove

Yes, that rings a bell now, isn't that along the road from the old Odeon out of Twickenham but not the road to Hanworth, in other words turn left at the lights as you would have left the Birds Nest ?

 Hampton Grammar School for Boys?

Wash your mouth, sworn enemies of the now defunct SGS.

What about L'Auberge in Richmond? 

Yep,  (Opposite the bridge) and just up the road was very lads favourite clothes place, The Ivy shop. Did you know a chap everyone called Tony L'Auberge who sat outside and could be seen  morte often than not

Eel Pie Island

Oh yes, cross over the old bridge to the run down hotel and a bottle of Newcastle Brown, only choice if my memory serves me right or perhaps it was THE drink and one simply didn't want to look any different ? and see, if one was lucky, the Stones. Now if everyone who said they saw the Stones in their early years at Eel Pie Island were to be lined up, it is said they would stretch to the moon and back

The Barmy Arms in Twickenham. Yep down by the Thames

The Bird's Nest,

Oh dear, yes again, met the future wife for the first time in there, remember the phones on the tables, well that's how it happened. Do you remember Ray the bouncer (tallish and bearded) worked there many years on the back door. Have you forgotten Henneky's (sp) always had a few in their before popping over the road to the Birds Nest.

The Bull & Bush and The Orange Tree in Richmond  Yes, yes but you have forgotten what we thought was the best in the late 60's, the Railway Hotel (now sadly not there as it was)

The Cabbage Patch  yep had our reunions there on occasions along with the Castle in Richmond and the old shabby chic Palm Court

Shepperton and Chertsey too e.g. The Ship, The Kings Head (Courage) The Crown

Yep drunk in them all (known of course as the Square) not drunk as in legless just as in had a few bevvies in them all, many many times.

 Happy Days...........

P.S  Saw a group called the Outcasts at the Crawdaddy club in Richmond and they used to sing a few Stones numbers, one was called Route 66, so there you are outie old thing, a link to La Belle France making these posts officially legal and above board


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Fair comment, the post developed into a comparison of France and England and the fact that the grass isn't always greener on the other side but it seems to have gone off topic somewhat.

It would be interesting to hear what else you miss about England (apart from the pubs/Kingston-Upon-Thames which I think has now been covered ) and perhaps what you would miss about France if you moved back?





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I'll miss the mountains and I'm sure that I'll miss them as much as I have missed the sea (not the med) for all these years.

The rest, well easy enough to visit and I reckon I'll get the very best of France on just visits as it is a wonderful place to have a holiday.

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Well knock me down wiv a fevver, clever tr........I've seen it all now, Admin and outcast in bed together, don't know if the boudin noir is in with them though

Right then for a kick off, I wouldn't miss SAV, some things about the awful schooling system, all the people who said they would be here for life but left years ago, won't miss the crap 9.95€ menu du jour but would look forward to a pint of Fullers (but not in Kingston )


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I am sorry that the SW London side of this thread has been closed off by Forum Admin. This was a rich seam as so many articulate people seem to have passed through to La Belle France. Scope for a sociology thesis.

Maybe the organisers of the French Property Shows should forget Olympia and just book Kingston Town Hall.

Maybe a travelling exhibition about Kingston should tour France. I am sure that this would cheer up those with mad dogs.
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When I move back to France, which I will, one thing I won't miss is Kingston upon Thames. Do you know it? It has got less soul than Charlie Chaplin's boots.

What I know I will miss, because I did last time, are the quality of British newspapers and BBC radio. I know you can get both on the internet now but it's not the same.


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Okay forum admin, and outcast, I see your point, about the thread going off topic, but now it is even more off topic than the original topic, if you get me.

I was quite enjoying the gentle chatter about pubs, even though I don't really know the area. I like it when the conversation changes, swings around, and comes back again to the original topic, as it mostly does. This is ok now, this new chatter, but I wish no one had forced it. just my view.



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Yes, I am at the mercy, like many of you, of the grey Breton days...mind you I never feel great on Winter grey days anywhere.

Last year shot off to Spain for a couple of weeks which help my system  no end but thought I would try to stick it out here this year. I was ok until the last week of Jan., now I should really hibernate.

Its great when the rain stops, then I can go outside and think about plans for the garden. Look its Feb now, only a month  or so away from Spring so things are not so bad!!



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A la Chandeleur

L'hiver cesse ou prend vigeur

Et la fleur de février

Ne va pas au pommier

The days here in 24 are pleasantly longer, there are snowdrops and very early crocuses, it's cold but instead of worrying about how to get through the winter one worries about all the things one won't have time to do this winter...

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Yep, he's coming back to HIS DREAM today and I've got to drag myself to the airport to pick him up at some godforesaken hour tonight (when I'd much rather be cosy in bed).  Wasn't the fact I was missing him more that he was in the UK and I was not!!!!!  

I can see bulbs just apprearing too.  I have no idea what they are having not planted them.  There's something to look forward to.  The weather is a lot milder but miserable, the washing machine is fixed (despite the poor repair man having to come on a 150km round trip, slipping on ice and into a ditch 200m from my front door and having to be towed out by a local farmer!!) and the logs Mr MDW cut have lasted and the snow has all gone!!  Hurrah! 

Can't comment on the merits of Kingston pubs/eateries because I've never been there!!

What would I miss?  The space and no traffic jams.


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Sorry Admin but just reading this thread has brought back so many memories. I lived in Chiswick near the brewery - a smell you never forget.

Lived on a boat on the Twickenham side by Richmond Bridge. We used to row over to the Swan (White?) on the Richmond side. - fell in a few times!! I loved Richmond.

Used to do the shopping in Kingston Apple market and husband:s family home was just down the road from Cobham. Great pubs in all those places but....that was over 20 years ago and I can:t remember all the names .

However we move on. Most on this forum have moved to France because of "druthers" but our memories of great times and places are still with us wherever in the world they occured and wherever we have chosen to be.

So Admin let us occasionally have our chats about "when".

Coral - halfway to Ariege
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the quality of British newspapers

As strange as this may sound, with the exception of the price, I actually prefer reading British newspapers abroad.  I like that feeling of detachment that comes with knowing that most of the news is about somewhere else.  And much prefer reading the day before yesterday's news.  That said, increasingly British papers are available same day in some of the most unlikely places.  Also, unless you have the sense to ask your local supplier to keep your preferred choice under the counter, I enjoy the hit and miss of discovering what's available.  Hadn't read the Independent for years until a few weeks ago when it was all there was.  It came as a really pleasant surprise and made a change from our usual Telegraph.

As for radio, don't forget the wonderful World Service on shortwave.  Or even Radio 4 on longwave in many parts of northern and central France.  The ear quickly becomes tuned to deciphering what's being said in between the static! 


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