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I'm having a bad day...


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[quote]the quality of British newspapers As strange as this may sound, with the exception of the price, I actually prefer reading British newspapers abroad. I like that feeling of detachment that comes w...[/quote]

We prefer world news via TV or reading newspapers online. The problem with UK newspapers is that when living permanently in France most of the articles are just too parochial, unless they are of major interest. They don't relate to your life anymore. At least that's how we feel.

Apologies, gone off topic.

Back to original theme. For my two pennies worth I believe it's normal to feel the blues from time to time when embarking on a change of direction and not something to be ashamed of. Brandy and Haribos help in the short term (I'm currently trying to wean myself off 'polka') but perhaps it's the ability to embrace change that matters. That's what I tell myself anyway.

Another thought. If the bad days still keep-a-coming after a long duration in France then that's the time to worry.
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[quote]Sorry Admin but just reading this thread has brought back so many memories. I lived in Chiswick near the brewery - a smell you never forget. Lived on a boat on the Twickenham side by Richmond Bridge...[/quote]

Quite agree Coral.

Can't see the problem with looking back and talking about old times in the UK. It is the post bag is it not. I think Admin was unfair to be honest, lots of people like to chat about the good old days, not all of us left in anger and many of us don't detest the UK. I don't mind reading others thoughts and stories of their part of Britain.

We have a lot worse posted in here, so lighten up Admin, it is not always possible or obligatory to talk France all the time is it ?  I regularly see many posts that have sod all to do with France, so what are you going to do about them.

Meanwhile, I shall reminisce alone about the Attic in Hounslow, the Ricky Tick in Windsor, the Castle in Richmond and the Blue Moon in Hayes.......with a pint of Pride.



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Miki,if you miss SW London so bad,go back.Not all forum members are from that part of the UK,although I do know it quite well,prefere Henley myself ,why not start a south west london post then people will know what the posting is about and not chance on the I love london group hugging.
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Miki,if you miss SW London so bad,go back.Not all forum members are from that part of the UK,although I do know it quite well,prefere Henley myself ,why not start a south west london post then people will know what the posting is about and not chance on the I love london group hugging.I,m here in france.


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Well, Deby and Miki, I'm just off to the Greyhound (Carshalton) for a couple of pints of Young's in convivial company. Nothing to do with France (though we'll chat about it at some stage in the evening, and whether or not the builder's finished the tiling (he won't have)), but a bit to do with having a life.

Have a good one, both.
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Miki,if you miss SW London so bad,go back.Not all forum members are from that part of the UK,although I do know it quite well,prefere Henley myself ,why not start a south west london post then people will know what the posting is about and not chance on the I love london group hugging.I,m here in france

Outie old thing,

Go back, what for, ? When I can reminisce on here with similar minded people. Perhaps you have no past, nothing to talk about, surely not a case of those green eyes is it ?

Your geography is out a bit, we were West London. It is a worry when a lorry driver doesn't know his South West from his West, means an awful lot of wasted fuel.

Not all forum members are from the Loire or Provence either, that is why there are different categories. I guess we could ask Admin for an Oop North and a Darn Sarf UK category but then the Brummies and the Welsh and the Scotch and the Geordies and loads of regions would complain

Henley, oh yes the regatta, went there for many years, drinks in the Black boy Inn, stay at Henley Farm. Drinks in the Marquee's, then after rowing aperos in the The Cherry Tree Inn and then the Rose & Crown. So many pubs, it was hard to know where to sip the Laurent Perrier Rosé next.

You really mustn't keep on whinging about us from the London area, it puts you in the whinging pom mould. I personally like to talk to another member on here about how lovely Yorkshire is but I spent yonks in the West london area, so of course I miss it.

As far as going back, I have seen so many go back, sad in many cases, lots of "watch me, I've got it cracked types" (12 months later....au revoir) "sod paying all those taxes type" whoops a tug comes along and all their money just drifts away, then it's wipe the tears away and book the ferry time. No, I never could settle anywhere, we have talked about going back to Provence when we have had enough here, maybe even a place here and one in Spain, then we can see all our old chums, who more & more these days seem to heading down sarf Espagnole.

No don't worry about us outie, we get by, as they say, just an acute need now and then to want to talk about our old beloved area. Would you really begrudge a few of us our only happiness here 

At the moment I am miffed that Dick is down the boozer in Carshalton and not only that, he is in a Youngs pub as well ! and wiv convivial peeps...

My credit account is running pretty high on similar people crying all the time i'm here in france, well not to worry you but most of them ain't no more  



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Miki,if you can draw a line west of central smoke and you will see that you are indeed south of that line,instead of having what JPcott wanted to do to the UK and split it up in to regions just like you are saying the forum should,post something the rest of the forum members can relate to.Miki so what you are socialist with a good credit ratings,got of the back of the working classes who did not pass the 11+ and gain the advantage in life like your good self and who repaid the country which gave you that education for the benefit of the country by fleecing people of good will and hope for a better life  in france,and then braging about your credit rating in france,ps did you see the weakest link tonight,it was a teacher who was voted off first,for getting a easy maths question wrong,no wonder they need to go down the pub in sarrf londin.
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Miki,if you can draw a line west of central smoke and you will see that you are indeed south of that line....

I'll strike a deal, I wont tell you where you lived and you don't tell me where I KNOW I lived.

....instead of having what JPcott wanted to do to the UK and split it up in to regions just like you are saying the forum should,post something the rest of the forum members can relate to..

You are 'aving a larf, posts one can relate to, it takes me a visit to Babel Fish to translate your posts

Miki so what you are socialist with a good credit ratings,got of the back of the working classes who did not pass the 11+

Wrong again (getting rather monotonous really) 11+ had been done away with by the time I was leaving primary. So never took it.

...and gain the advantage in life like your good self and who repaid the country which gave you that education for the benefit of the country

At least I used that education and took full advantage to do OK, also put eldest lad through Uni in the UK, without saying too much, he works for Britain and second son served in the British Army.  As Cjb said, the sad thing is that the tax payers money was completely wasted on your education, now that is criminal.

Now do get a grip outie, indigestion doesn't repeat as much as you do.




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I've had an emergency call to France - so I'm flying from here (Japan) on Wednesday  via London arriving in Toulouse by Squeasyjet on Thursday a.m., returning to Japan on the following Tuesday.  (I've got to be crazy or something!!!!  )

This journey has a few little 'schedules' planned in it .  Eat your hearts out guys!!      In the woods near the junction of the M25 and the A3 there is the Black Swan (Free house I think) for a John Smith's  Then the King william and the Duke of Wellington  and the .........

But then when I've finished signing those papers I think I will enjoy sitting with a glass of wine watching the world go by in Pamiers.  

Coral - halfway to Ariege

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Henley, oh yes the regatta

This started me thinking about the French and rowing.  Is this something they do either for pleasure or competitively?  Apart from a few old men on the Gironde in connection, I assume, with fishing, I don't think I've ever seen a Frenchman rowing.  M



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SB - I think 80/- must be Youngers, not Youngs. We just have Special and Ordinary and then the odd ones like Waggledance and Christmas Pudding...

One for you, Miki, the Greyhound was the inn at which the original bet which led to the Derby and the Oaks was made in 1780, and for years the horses running in the Derby were stabled there before the race. The Oaks (a stately home) was just a couple of miles away.

And a very pleasant evening it was, too.
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MWJ Yes, I've met French people who row, they assured me there are plenty wherever there is suitable water, as in England.
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An silver-haired Englishman signals for the waiter to bring another Campari and soda. The jacket of his cream Saville Row suit hangs from the back of his chair, his cerise Leander tie adds a gay splash of colour to dappled sunlight in the waterside cafe.

Seeming to take inspiration from the limpid azure Med vista before him lays aside his cigar and sets up a laptop, logging into to a Living France forum. A slight frown crosses his distinguished brow - then his fingers dance across the keys.

The waiter returns, the Englishman smiles his thanks then mutters “Damn it Henri, there is a chap posting here who think Kingston isn’t south-west London”.

The waiter glances at the screen then asks. “ But Monsieur Parfitt, why are you logged in as Outcast”? ...
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So please reveal who Mr Parfitt is, not Rick surely ?

The West London I speak of is Chiswick by the way and Richmond and Kingston are in Surrey not technically anything to do with London, just in geographic terms like Luton might therefore  be called Norf London


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[quote]Henley, oh yes the regatta This started me thinking about the French and rowing. Is this something they do either for pleasure or competitively? Apart from a few old men on the Gironde in conn...[/quote]


They row down the rance at the old port in Dinan quite often but I have only seen two and fours. No eights and at a pretty leisurely pace, well in comparison to Henley anyway !!

But then they have to be wary of the leisure craft and the floating gin palaces, over from the Channel Islands


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West is defined as 270 degrees anything less than that has south in the bearing,so unless you are either north or on 270 degrees anything less would mean like one says south of west.Citizen Miki,you may like to pick out which bits of my postings you like but you never pick out the ones you do not like to answer.So you did not even pass the 11+ but you got to uni which was paid for by the UK tax payer,which in your case does not benefit the UK,(as like me you live in france)which is one of the the reasons givern for paying by the state for futher education,hope that the credit rating gained from the people who do not make it in france helps you sleep at night. 
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So you did not even pass the 11+ but you got to uni which was paid for by the UK tax payer....

No, never went to Uni, never claimed to either, yet again another wrong 'un outie.

.....which in your case does not benefit the UK,(as like me you live in france)which is one of the the reasons givern for paying by the state for futher education,hope that the credit rating gained from the people who do not make it in france helps you sleep at night. I,m here in france

Just Babel Fished that paragraph and would you Adam and Eve it, it gurgled for a bit then blew the bleeding fuse

Rather posh postal code Gay, W 4 so much better than my lowly W 12   and most definitely NOT South West London, which is of course, known as SW and outie you will never believe what it stands for?  Yep South West, well I never I hear you say, clever eh, the way the postal service gives London postal codes.

SW12 is yer Balham, Clapham lot and SW11 is where my Uncles and Aunts, in years gone by, had 8 fruit & veg barrows on the Northcote Road.

Now Peckham, Delboy & Rodney country etc, is SE 15, I reckon even you can now guess what SE stands for by now

Oh yes, a lot of the family are are long time costermongers, "get yer apples 'ere Madam tanner a pound, joey for half"  whoops got carried away a bit there.

Dick, I am going to a bit of a do tonight where I am told cans of Pride and some John Smiths are available, so I only hope there are some cheese & pickle sarnies and pickled onions on offer as well et voila,  luvvly jubbly, France ain't so bad after all

Thanks Paolo, I did know that but I thought there was something more intellectual behind it that my old grey matter couldn't pick up. Renaud might well have his number, funny how they both tried to put the kybosh on this thread earlier. Mmmmm food for thought eh



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Miki,so now you are back pedaling a bit,one minite you are grammar school boy from oh so humble a beginnings(council estate in south west london)without passing the 11+,what is the saying up north, yeah billy something walter something comes to mind.So if like you have said you have been to grammar school,and if all the hardship that was under took to give you an education was for real,it as been a waste of time.
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Miki,so now you are back pedaling a bit,one minite you are grammar school boy from oh so humble a beginnings(council estate in south west london)without passing the 11+,

Oh yes, all true, Grammar school but no Uni. Am I alone in detecting the evil green eyes in action here ?

I will do a deal, find where I said I went to Uni and took the 11+ and I will be Walter Mitty and if you can't, will you give the forum a well deserved rest from your rantings ?

Education is a wonderful thing, I know of very few people who don't wish they had learned a lot more when they had the opportunity and many people, even very learned folks, still crave knowledge.

Education can help you put commas in the right place and, full stops at the end of a sentence.

You even learn where one can start a new paragraph, thus making things so much clearer.

Wasted my education, yes I suppose so, I wanted to research about a brief history of time but all the physics did my head in.  So I decided to leave it to Stephen Hawkins.

I wasted my life, seeing the world, learning different cultures and have ended up in France with many others of you on here, so I guess it could be said that we are all a bunch of losers, we wasted the tax payers money and did a runner  but then again I prefer to think of it as Georgie Best once put it :

 I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.

Well one out of three ain't bad Oh ! and I paid a hefty amount of tax during the many years in the UK as well.




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