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Ignorant censorhip

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Please see my posting, and my own replies to it, on the subject of Boules for Foules.  Has the world gone mad?  Has political correctness gone haywire?  WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO PUT SPACES BETEWEEN THE LETTERS IN THE WORD C O C H O N N E T?   Why should someone else not be able to use the word Sc*nthorpe?  What will Ars*nal supporters write about?

Talk about having a bad day!

Am I alone in thinking this is all pathetic / disgraceful / unacceptable?

Mr. Angry of St. Estephe.

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Scunthorpe and Arsenal.


See they work, it is something looney in the system that doesn't like c o c o, it is just crazy.

C o c o  can be a term of endearment in France. But this system doesn't like it at all. I really would like to know what c o c o signifies that needs to be censored so. I sometimes suspect that it is really the rudest world in the universe and I'm just not in the know.

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Well I must say that it could well be VERY rude in France. The French never fail to amaze me, in normal conversation you get all sorts of stuff, and words that I don't want to hear can just ellicit a raised eyebrow or two.

But say "Ta Gueule" (sp?) to someone, and everyone gasps and tut-tuts.

Only the French............


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They've done it again!  They won't let me say******h.  Instead, I have to say c o c h.  What's wrong with******h?  Is it a rude word?  Is it libellous?  Is it Serbo Croat for poo?  Is it too close to crotch?  Or is it too close to the word for a male bird?  If they can't tell a c o c h from a male bird they must be male-bird- eyed!   And why do they replace the first three letters of c o c h with six asterisks? 

What a  load of old male bird all this is.  It seems any Tom, D   i   c   k (I'm learning!) or Harry can post on this site, but we are to be treated like children.  Does my c o c h upset anybody?  I've certainly never had any complaints in the past.

Reminds me of when I taught in England, and was advised always to tell children to take their erasers out.  Use of the more common word could cause classroom mayhem, apparently.

Come on, administrator, tell me what all this is about.  Am I being censored by a machine, or by an unutterably prim human being?




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