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Gentlemen, I think the Fred & Gladys nicknames may have originated in British satirical magazine, Private Eye.  In fact, I thought the Queen was Gladys.  Correct me if I'm wrong SB, I think you're a fellow subscription holder.

Gay, it was obviously merely a case of woman getting in car and being driven at speed by man who was drunk.  However, I'd have enormous respect for the Duke of Edinburgh if he had ordered the hit squad, as Al Fahed claims.


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<<Saw a news story today on CNN stating that Prince Charles was once married to Princess Diana. WOW!>>

Your reaction is a sad sign of age, Ray.  

The Childrens BBC website, after a headline article about Elvis, had a sub-heading of "Who was Elvis?" 

To my son, both Diana and Elvis (whoever he is) are history. 

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Good luck to them both. Time to move on,life only comes around once and far too short to worry about what other say you should and shouldn't do. As for the religious side and the rumblings there,does anyone really care what they think? The couple certainly have far more in common with each other than he did with the previous one.
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[quote]Good luck to them both. Time to move on,life only comes around once and far too short to worry about what other say you should and shouldn't do. As for the religious side and the rumblings there,does ...[/quote]

Absolutely!! You can tell that they really 'like' each other and THAT is the key to success. I wish them great happiness.

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"In fact, I thought the Queen was Gladys.  "

Brenda - IIRC

Shrewd move on Tony B's part though - divert attention from important issues at election time.

BTW why is a King's wife normally a Queen but a Q's husband is never a King? Can't blame it on the Constitution because UK doesn't have one.



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Iceni wrote:

"Shrewd move on Tony B's part though - divert attention from important issues at election time."

Nothing whatsoever to do with the government (but sad that people think it is) but everything to do with a select committee questioning Charles' household staff about his (our) finances. Funny that news of the engagement is leaked the day after damning press reports about his wealth and habits...
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[quote]Well observed Dick !However, although frankly I really don't care much either way, what does not get nearly so much publicity is the amount of money the Prince of Wales gives to charity or the worthwh...[/quote]


Would that be the money that he simply cannot get through and as an annual 12 million quid goes in his piggy bank, he likes to generously give some back


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[quote]Iceni wrote:"Shrewd move on Tony B's part though - divert attention from important issues at election time."Nothing whatsoever to do with the government (but sad that people think it is) but everythin...[/quote]

It never fails to amaze me how ones politics can simply blind people.

Charles finances (a paltry 12 million plus benefits) have been discussed in a finance enquiry and whoosh, suddenly an announcement is made about his forthcoming marriage and unbelievably Tony Blair is accused of causing a diversion. I think you will find it was the firm at its best diverting the public attention to a Royal weding and away from the vulgar issue of the Prince's salary.

You have probably noticed that the PM has put a 6 point plan in front of the public and was on a whistle stop tour yesterday (pretty pointless as it could all be done with a press conference but it grabbed the headlines better, now you could have accused him of doing that to stop Charles grabbing the headlines but sadly even politics cannot knock a future King off the front pages !

It's that's what politicians of all parties do, try for the headlines, it's what they do best, watch Alistair Cambell lead the foray to the redtop headlines !

You will have noticed the hustings have started, unofficially of course, so as they say, let the fun begin !!



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"It never fails to amaze me how ones politics can simply blind people."

Not me - guv - I detest nearly all politicians equally. I have exercised my democratic right not to vote for about 15 years - except in 2004 parish election in Essex when a voting paper was sent to me in error so I made my marks for friends.

Whether TB interfered in the adulterers nuptials or not - it is a stroke of luck.

The BBC stated that news of the wed in was leaked to the Evening Std by #10, ES ed did not deny this. This of course does not mean that TB knew. Big Ears and Brenda were allegedly desperate to keep this under wraps due to ? proposed visit by BE to Oz where they really know how to treat royalty.





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They knew how to treat royalty here as well

So now it is now luck you are talking about, so a slightly different angle then. Luck is often what all the parties rely on and the opposition will probably need it by the bucket full. I suspect that maybe Mr Howard will rival the PM's appearance on Richard and Judy by going on Pop Idol  to attract the young vote because unless he attracts more of the younger vote, it will be yet another Tory leader to take the walk...................... 

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Comrade miki,they did indeed of a quick way with the nobility here in france.As for TB the wanabee king,wait for the vote on the euro constitution and the job he will get after he leaves no 10,after all the welsh wind bag(lord wind bag) nobody wanted was on what half a mill a year.
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[quote]Comrade miki,they did indeed of a quick way with the nobility here in france.As for TB the wanabee king,wait for the vote on the euro constitution and the job he will get after he leaves no 10,after a...[/quote]


I think that maybe you haven't got the hang of calling someone comrade ? It puts you on the same political side. Call it a shot in the dark but I get a feeling your politics lean somewhat to the right of jolly old Ghengis



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[quote]Notice above mentioned Mr Kinnock is now in the Lords - an institution he previously criticised - odd that ![/quote]


As one, who like me is getting older and perhaps wiser, do you suppose others are following suit ?

e.g Roger Daltry wanted to die before he got old and then said this week when accepting his gong at the palace, that the Queen was a grand old lady (or words to that effect) all of which he would never have thought of accepting or saying some 35  years ago.

Kinnock, one of the best labour politicians for many a year, especially whilst on the Labour Exec was never elected PM, purely by the colour of his hair, the shape of his nose and being Welsh, (sorry people from Wales but it has been proven and I do not like the way politics have become any more than any of you but at least we are not quite like the USA..... yet).

Yes he didn't like a lot of things when he was younger but as I have said, older, wiser and none one of us on here would have turned down the chance of a nice big salary at Brussels. Kinnock knew his days as leader with Labour were all over for him and his chances of being the PM were gone forever took the opportunity to take the golden job in Brussels and who wouldn't, regardless of what one said before ? Politicians are humans not gods.


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Cannot imagine Mikhael Howard appearing appealing to anyone - don't think UK is ready for a Transylvanian (or whatever) PM. Who will the Con party select next for the poisoned chalice ?

Don't agree with yr comment about the Welsh Windbag being one of the best - except in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory perhaps - was it the speech in Sheffield ? He may be older and wiser but hypocrisy is a pre-requisite for any/all MPs isn't it ? When Andrew Phillips was a wannabe Lib MP he was opposed to an appointed H of L but maybe becoming Lord Phillips of Sudbury is somehow different. I add this just to show that my anti is not restricted to Tony's cronies alone. 

As I am in picky mode IIRC Roger D "hoped" not "wanted"




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The House of Lords today is nothing like the one Kinnock criticised. Neil Kinnock is a working life peer like many others. I, for one, am very pleased that a man of intelligence and talent from a humble background has gone as far as he has.

Of course, we could go back to the days when no-one got uppity and got above their station and tried to make something of themselves through education and hard work - which would please some on this forum.

And as for "hypocrisy is a pre-requisite for any/all MPs isn't it ?" - no, it isn't. Not most of the ones I have met, and I think it speaks of a sad mentality to assume that all people in public life are crooked - where does that expectation of others come from? Within?
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DS, I had not realised that hypocrisy = crooked but if the cap fits .....

Yes the H o L has changed - today's patronage replaces yesterday's. I would prefer an elected Upper Chamber but will leave that issue to those who live there and/or care.



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Don't agree with yr comment about the Welsh Windbag being one of the best - except in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory perhaps - was it the speech in Sheffield

Nice cliché but it is pretty conclusive that the speech had no serious impact and that the 3 things I have already stated were literally what stopped Labour romping home, as they so easily did under Mr Blair in the following election. Last minute panic (as the Tories will find out) meant that many stayed with the party they knew, rather than risk voting in a party they were not sure about and a man who didn't quite look right.

Terrible thing isn't it, in the modern world of politics today, visual looks and personna are the main needs to gather the votes in, if you are aesthetically challenged and the best man for the job....it's probable that you will not win the major prize (no pun intended against the grey man). You don't have to agree about Kinnock but within the ranks and those who knew socialist  politics, he was recognised as their finest for many years. During his years on the executive, it was well known that one day he would be leader of the party.

As I am in picky mode IIRC Roger D "hoped" not "wanted"

How sad, I wasn't quoting the words just the message, hope, wanted all the same really, jeez don't tell me you played it all through, sitting their intently listening in your Who imitation anorak to check it out  

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