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Have you noticed more houses for sale?


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More houses for sale? The reason could be that the Inland Revenue, following a recent test case in the house of Lords, can now treat people who have bought abroad as a company ( to avoid inheritance problems etc) as employees of that company. They can be taxed on these homes as benefits in kind. Based on the property's rental value, possibly 8% of the market value. So some people in this situation are selling up. If they wait until next year they could transfer the property to be held in their pension fund. ( don't understand how this works.) Information from last week's Sunday Times Money section. Pat.
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My only thought is why would anyone think France Utopia. My friend got a bit lost trying to get home the other week and ended up in a ZUP, although she didn't realise that that was where she was, she was very frightened. Utopia is surely ZUP free.

So is it the tv programs, or a holiday(s)? Neither of which are more of a valid basis than reading what people who live here say.



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I have noticed prices in the Dordogne seem to be falling! I was thinking of buying a furry place there for me furry family to live full time. Bean checking out www.fnaim.fr and was very surprised to find what a lot I can get now in the Dordogne for the furry budget. I was thinking of selling Furry Knickers to the Perigordian's in winter as it can get very cold there (-15 a couple a years back) no gites for me!



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[quote]Ah - Teejay - I think the answer is pretty basic - you know what they teach in the boy scouts ?........Be Prepared[/quote]

Gay, I have no desire to be bad mannered, but what exactly does your comment refer to?

Could you embellish please.

PS> Why do you all care so much about whether people succeed or not in their quest for a different/better life?
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PS> Why do you all care so much about whether people succeed or not in their quest for a different/better life?

Isn't the clue in the title of this place..... Forum?

Isn't it where one discusses and hopefully helps others out.

A question is posted, offers of help through personal experiences or knowledge about the problem are offered, whether that person takes notice is their choice of course.

To ask the question in the reverse, do you not care about people then and the errors they might make or any ideas they have perceived quite wrongly?



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Teejay, Sorry, the better prepared anyone is for what they are about to meet the more chance they have of succeeding.

You may put moving to France full of expectation and then having to return as all part of life's rich tapestry and that is a perfectly valid view, but others will not be so happy and it will feel like a failure....that can be pretty corrosive, especially if it effects others, children for example.

I'm afraid it has always been easy to see a 'move' as the answer to problems and I think this is particularly true of a move to another country - better to get a realistic view of the pro's and cons before hand. Then move if thats what you really want.

I also think the best reason to move to France is because you like it, with & for all its faults - not just because you don't like the UK.

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"perhaps for some people, those who don't reside in green and leafy Britain,  France appears to be a sort of utopia." 

Oddly, IMHO, it seems to be viewed as "utopia" by many in Britain too.  Especially if, as appears to be the case for so many nowadays, your view of a country is based solely on the price of property, wine and the weather.  Yet there are numerous European countries that would prove a far more attractive option than France, and Ryan Air no doubt flies to them all.  I would suggest that the reason France appears to be so attractive is because many British people nowadays are either overly influenced by elements in the British media and/or are extremely ill-informed.


Re returnees, that chap whose name always escapes me who wrote "Selling French Dreams" reckoned that 1:2 making permanent move returned within 2 years in his part of Normandy.  And friend selling in SW 24 reports similar high turnover and currently stable, it not dropping, prices.





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